Tuesday, September 01, 2009

President Dick

Cheney In 2012? Some Key GOPers Aren't Kidding: "At first, it seemed like a joke. Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto opined on Monday that -- if the 2012 election were to turn to national security -- 'it's hard to think of a better candidate... than Richard B. Cheney.' "

The GOP has the right idea. Let's bring it all to a head; let's have Dick Cheney go up against those nasty old democrats who keep giving undocumented birth to a seemingly endless parade of liberals.

The Cheney family is basically all women these days, and it’s high time we get those women - not counting Dick - out there punching up the rhetoric with their easy-to-understand hypocrisy and their loyalty to their snarling dad.

But, more than anything, it’s Dick. He’s the one who should be given another chance to read the “Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside The U.S.” memo from 2001. He should be the one to erase that career-building fukup and bloom yet again - allowing himself to be championed by the low-info, plus-size, GOP flip-flop clad audience from every Tea Bag rally in the old Confederacy.

You want the best when you run somebody for President, and when it comes to Cheneys, it’s always Dick; always was, always will be.

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