Face time with Bill: "Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol could barely contain his disdain. 'It's hard for me to be objective about this because I'm so disappointed personally,' he started off, jokingly. 'I was up early Friday morning. I thought the phone might ring. You know, pundits for peace. Pundits have been under-represented by the Peace Prize. I mean, President Obama and I have done about the same amount to bring about world peace. He's given some good speeches. I've written a few columns.'"

"On Sunday, Liz Cheney -- daughter of the former vice president -- called the whole thing a 'farce' and reminded the Nobel committee that they sleep 'soundly at night because the U.S. military is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world today.'
'The notion that this White House says he will go to Oslo to accept this prize just adds to the farce,' said Cheney. 'But I do think he could send a real signal here. I think what he ought to do frankly is send a mother of a fallen American soldier to accept the prize on behalf of the U.S. military and frankly to send the message to remind the Nobel committee that each one of them sleeps soundly at night because the U.S. military is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world today.'
'The Nobel Committee would like to live in a world in which America is not dominant,' she concluded."
This imbecilic Cheney says '... send a mother of a fallen American soldier to accept the prize on behalf of the U.S. military and frankly to send the message to remind the Nobel committee that each one of them sleeps soundly at night because the U.S. military is the greatest peacekeeping force in the world today.'
This is astonishing evidence that she is completely out of her element, if not her mind. If my President were to make the statement she proposes, I would be outraged beyond belief. The gall of this woman, and the size of her pathetic ego, is sickening.
Kristol remains the grotesque GOP Gerbers baby, spilling conservative drivel with that warm, middle-aged queen's smile and the nervous quietude of a trust fund butterball.
But Kristol's oodles of weird is small stuff compared to Liz Cheney, the caustic little varmint that snuck onto the world stage pulling the Cheney train - nobody knows why she's even up there except that she shakes the spiderweb, attracting the loons and maintaining the neocon beacon for the constipated followers of old.