Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drug Makers Raising Prices Before Reform

W. C. Fields knew it, and Big Pharma knows it: "It Doesn't Cure Horseness !!"

Big Pharma is killing our economy and destroying whatever remains of the American Dream. We should be ripping these people out of their offices and putting them on trial in the middle of the street.

Americans are being sold down the river bigtime by these criminal corporations that are doing whatever they can - legal and illegal - to rake in as much money as possible. Drugs that don't work are advertised with psychological precision to factless, overwhelmed audiences, amid billion dollar profits and growing appetites for more.

Oh, and they've also trashed the reputation of capitalism - does anyone believe a corporation's advertising anymore? Does anyone believe the "consultation" with corporate salespeople? Do you think your bank cares about you anymore?

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