Saturday, November 21, 2009

Right-Wing Talkers Obsessed With Rape

At least the gloves are completely off now. The past had a certain grace that is totally absent in the present. The Town Hall Shout is now a commonplace; calling people a liar - and to their face! - is almost expected. Disrespect is the new tool for righties. Somehow they felt left out of the mix when almost every group had a gripe and a language to express it - yet the righties only had the anger. They needed a way to publicly diss, and now they've found it.

We're almost all armed now - even entire families, including far too many 6-year old kids - and the fearful gun owners are thanked for their fear by a GOP that's happy to provide a way for people who are frightened of Obama's race to deny that fear and instead express hatred of Obama for his "socialist agenda". And when a lot of people with guns are lying to themselves, then danger is dead ahead.

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