iPod and iPhone British designer 'to receive £18m windfall from Apple shares' Mail Online: "The iPad was the hottest technology device of 2010, selling nearly 15million units and sparking a slew of copycat devices from rivals.
Stephen Bayley, design critic, said of another of Ive's products, the iPhone 4: 'Apple designer Jonathan Ive uses Zen-like meditative processes to refine his ideas to the minimum.'And then he refines even more. Buying an 'i-Thing' is as close as most people get to perfection.
'Sure, it's pricey as a phone, but it's cheap as sculpture"
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Newt Gingrich Discusses Potential Obama Impeachment (VIDEO)

Rats! I just wasted dozens of words trying to say what you said perfectly with 3.
About Newt Gingrich
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Newt Gingrich Discusses Potential Obama Impeachment (VIDEO)

Gingrich keeps going downhill - bumbling by while shouting instructio
Gingrich is that bad voice that everyone hears but nobody should listen to. If he tells you to inhale, then exhale.
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Verizon iPhone Has Antenna Issue: Consumer Reports

Well, 2 people told me Android phones sucked muddy rocks. But send me one, I'll give it a try... actually send me 2, I've got a very techno savvy cat.
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Saturday, February 26, 2011
Verizon iPhone Has Antenna Issue: Consumer Reports

actually, it's the combinatio
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Verizon iPhone Has Antenna Issue: Consumer Reports

We just bought 2 Verizon iPhone 4s, and they both have bad antenna performanc
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Friday, February 25, 2011
Verizon iPhone Has Antenna Issue: Consumer Reports

...well, you should celebrate. The antenna problem only shows up when combined with both a weak signal and holding the phone a certain, quite normal way. If you've got a 4 or 5 bars signal, you're probably gonna be fine, but if you've only got 1 or 2 bars, like at my house, then you'll definitely have problems.
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Verizon iPhone Has Antenna Issue: Consumer Reports

Yup, I'm in San Francisco and was amazed that the Verizon iPhone has the antenna problem. So, combined with being in a 1 to 2 bars only area of town, I get dropped and or no calls. But Verizon has been very very responsive
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Wisconsin Pension Cuts Are Actually About Reducing Union 'Cash Wages': David Cay Johnston

As everything is happening so quickly, I haven't spoken with any of my Republican friends about the Wisconsin revolution
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Roger Ailes On Tape Pressuring Judith Regan To Lie To Federal Investigators
FirstGame72 comments: "In other words: China, here we come!"
...actually, they'll have to come and get us - unless we're willing to sell a kindney, we'll be too broke for planefare.
...actually, they'll have to come and get us - unless we're willing to sell a kindney, we'll be too broke for planefare.
"It's All About Busting Unions" - Shep Smith

"To pretend this is about a fiscal crisis in the state of Wisconsin is malarkey"
You made the right call - but watch your six, Shep.
Walk in groups and stay out of dark Fox hallways, as I'll wager there are a bunch of cranky righties just itching to mess up your day. - Read what Shep Smith thinks...
You made the right call - but watch your six, Shep.
Walk in groups and stay out of dark Fox hallways, as I'll wager there are a bunch of cranky righties just itching to mess up your day. - Read what Shep Smith thinks...
Lawrence Donnell Rips Glenn Beck's Apology, Accuses Him Of Spewing Falsehoods
- - -
Things are really beyond acceptable and it's time that malevolent players are called out by name, and constantly.
Things are really beyond acceptable and it's time that malevolent players are called out by name, and constantly
Roger Ailes Allegedly Pressured Judith Regan To Lie To Federal Investigators, Lawsuit Said: NYT

Yup, that's the history allright. The existence of a middle-cla
About Fox News
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Arizona Sets Stage For Another Legal Showdown Over Immigration

Correct. I am totally uninformed about anything to do with Uranus.
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New MacBook Pro Release Gets Official: See The Specs (PHOTOS)

I dunno... I bought a lightweigh
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Average 401k Balances Reach 10-Year High: Fidelity

...yeah, it's amazing to see the stock market revived and heading back up, while middle-cla
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Newt Gingrich Affair Questioned By College Student

No, you're wrong; it's not your past. The "primary concern of the American people" is your character, which is defined by you, and is very clear from the acres of evidence.
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Maine Gov. Paul LePage On BPA: 'Worst Case Is Some Women May Have Little Beards'

First he recommends that the NAACP should "kiss my butt", and now he's got the "little beards" gaffe. I bet his 'butts and beards' governing style isn't gonna age well.
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Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators

This is what journalism is suppose to look like. Hastings' report reads like a black-and-
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'It’s not illegal if I say it isn’t!'
Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators - Michael Hastings - Rolling Stone: "'My job in psy-ops is to play with people’s heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave,' says Lt. Colonel Michael Holmes, the leader of the IO unit, who received an official reprimand after bucking orders. 'I’m prohibited from doing that to our own people. When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressman, you’re crossing a line.'
...'We called it Operation Fourth Star,' says Holmes."
...But when Holmes brought his concerns to Col. Gregory Breazile, the spokesperson for the Afghan training mission run by Caldwell, the discussion ended in a screaming match. 'It’s not illegal if I say it isn’t!' Holmes recalls Breazile shouting."
...'We called it Operation Fourth Star,' says Holmes."
...But when Holmes brought his concerns to Col. Gregory Breazile, the spokesperson for the Afghan training mission run by Caldwell, the discussion ended in a screaming match. 'It’s not illegal if I say it isn’t!' Holmes recalls Breazile shouting."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What is good for me is right
Romancing the Stone-Cold Killer
Romancing the Stone-Cold Killer: "In her journal circa 1928 Rand quoted the statement, 'What is good for me is right,' a credo attributed to a prominent figure of the day, William Edward Hickman. Her response was enthusiastic. 'The best and strongest expression of a real man's psychology I have heard,' she exulted. (Quoted in Ryan, citing Journals of Ayn Rand, pp. 21-22.)"
Arizona Sets Stage For Another Legal Showdown Over Immigration

Property and violent crime is down in many, many parts of the country, and that's a great topic... but I was referring to the spectacle of humanity turning on itself in Arizona. I actually do believe that people are misleading themselves
But your 12% is attractive
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Scott Brown: Lindsay Lohan 'Can Do Better And Be Better'

For some reason Senator Brown is in auto-sabot
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Harry Reid: Time To Ban Brothels In Nevada
Harry Reid: Time To Ban Brothels In Nevada: "Actually it's hard for me to see the difference between a church and a brothel.
Both want money up front.
Both want more money half way through the service.
Both tell you how good you are.
And at the end of the service you feel better and they count their money."
Both want money up front.
Both want more money half way through the service.
Both tell you how good you are.
And at the end of the service you feel better and they count their money."
I'm stickin' with the unions...
HuffPost TV: Howard Fineman Discusses Wisconsin And Unions On MSNBC's 'The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell': "Unions are the poor workers lawyers"
Harry Reid: Time To Ban Brothels In Nevada

Stop it Harry. Stop it right now. America is driving fast enough in reverse these days, thank you very much, and we don't need more reminders of our vanishing wisdom.
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Arizona Sets Stage For Another Legal Showdown Over Immigration

Arizona has morphed into an abysmal crime scene, where otherwise decent human beings put their souls on the line and invent new kinds of pain for their neighbors. I don't know why this is happening to them, but they are being judged.
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Pro-Union Website 'Defend Wisconsin' Blocked In Capitol

I don't think it was pre-planne
About Wisconsin Protests
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Pro-Union Website 'Defend Wisconsin' Blocked In Capitol

If governor Walker or other Republican
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Glenn Beck: Fareed Zakaria An 'America Basher' And 'Useful Idiot' (AUDIO)

Fareed Zakaria gives me hope, whereas Glenn Beck gives me gas. Face it - hope gives us a chance, while gas always gives us farts.
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The Bizarro Tea Party
Jon Stewart: 'Wisconsin Union Protest Is The Bizarro Tea Party': "Take away a union's collective bargaining rights? I believe that makes them just a bunch of people wearing identical T-shirts."
Joe Scarborough Criticizes Rick Santelli For Comparing Wisconsin Protests To 9/11 (VIDEO)

...Joe has got you in thrall to his masterful good cop, bad cop shtick. Joe is an inciter and a classic pounder and I see not one iota of change - merely refinement
About Wisconsin Protests
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Wisconsin Power Play
Wisconsin Power Play - PAUL KRUGMAN: "You don’t have to love unions, you don’t have to believe that their policy positions are always right, to recognize that they’re among the few influential players in our political system representing the interests of middle- and working-class Americans, as opposed to the wealthy. Indeed, if America has become more oligarchic and less democratic over the last 30 years — which it has — that’s to an important extent due to the decline of private-sector unions.
And now Mr. Walker and his backers are trying to get rid of public-sector unions, too."
And now Mr. Walker and his backers are trying to get rid of public-sector unions, too."
Monday, February 21, 2011
Washington: The 'Blackest Name' In America
Washington: The 'Blackest Name' In America: "But he also worked his slaves quite hard, and under difficult conditions. As president, he shuttled them between his Philadelphia residence and Virginia estate to evade a law that freed any slave residing in Pennsylvania for six months.
While in Philadelphia, Oney Judge, Martha Washington's maid, moved about the city and met many free blacks. Upon learning Martha was planning one day to give her to an ill-tempered granddaughter, Judge disappeared.
According to Chernow's book, Washington abused his presidential powers and asked the Treasury Department to kidnap Judge from her new life in New Hampshire. The plot was unsuccessful."
While in Philadelphia, Oney Judge, Martha Washington's maid, moved about the city and met many free blacks. Upon learning Martha was planning one day to give her to an ill-tempered granddaughter, Judge disappeared.
According to Chernow's book, Washington abused his presidential powers and asked the Treasury Department to kidnap Judge from her new life in New Hampshire. The plot was unsuccessful."
Texas Poised To Pass Bill Allowing Guns On Campus

'ausmth' comments:
"Nice Colt the gov is holding. Sweetest handgun made! It's over 100 and still being produced.
The 1911 John Browning designed turns 100 this year. Still being produced. Two classics that the left hates!"
I reply:
"'The left hates' ?
I don't hate the Colt in my pocket; I hate the dolt in my face, yelling stupidly about guns for kids, and other deep-dish malarkey.
Update available dude: Some lefties are hippies from the day, when guns and holsters and attitude ruled - and America was a stoned libertaria
About Gun Control
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Texas Poised To Pass Bill Allowing Guns On Campus
Texas Poised To Pass Bill Allowing Guns On Campus: "Guns occupy a special place in Texas culture. Politicians often tout owning a gun as essential to being Texan. Concealed handgun license holders are allowed to skip the metal detectors that scan Capitol visitors for guns, knives and other contraband."
Sunday, February 20, 2011
'Pictures Don't Lie' - ?
Soledad O'Brien's 'Pictures Don't Lie' Looks At Civil Rights Photographer Ernest Withers' FBI Ties: "For O’Brien, the picture that stands out is one that shows a pair of black attorneys and a pair of white police officers standing side by side in a courtroom, waiting for the judge’s ruling.
'What I love about that photograph is, where did he have to be to get that picture?' O’Brien said. 'He was behind the judges’ head. I love that photo. It’s brilliant, and it underscores the access of this individual. If you were in a position where the judge is cool with you going behind him to take a picture, you are one of the most inside people in all of Memphis, Tennessee—which explains why the FBI looked to him.'"
'What I love about that photograph is, where did he have to be to get that picture?' O’Brien said. 'He was behind the judges’ head. I love that photo. It’s brilliant, and it underscores the access of this individual. If you were in a position where the judge is cool with you going behind him to take a picture, you are one of the most inside people in all of Memphis, Tennessee—which explains why the FBI looked to him.'"
The Shallows
Stars and Sewers - NYTimes.com: "Leon Wieseltier, literary editor of The New Republic, recalled that when he started his online book review he forbade comments, wary of high-tech sociopaths.
“I’m not interested in having the sewer appear on my site,” he said. “Why would I engage with people digitally whom I would never engage with actually? Why does the technology exonerate the kind of foul expression that you would not tolerate anywhere else?”"
Excellent thought...
“I’m not interested in having the sewer appear on my site,” he said. “Why would I engage with people digitally whom I would never engage with actually? Why does the technology exonerate the kind of foul expression that you would not tolerate anywhere else?”"
Excellent thought...
Madison Protests Continue, But Governor Scott Walker Is Unmoved

If Walker is unmoved, then we have to move him; if he remains unmoved, then we remove him.
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'The Great Gatsby' 3D Movie Set For Australia

I know... I threw my popcorn in the air. Eff Scott would love this!
About Movies
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Robert Lanza, M.D.: The 8 Biggest Scientific Myths (PHOTOS)
Robert Lanza, M.D.: The 8 Biggest Scientific Myths (PHOTOS): "'nothing,' said John Wheeler, the great physicist 'exists until it is observed.' We're living through a shift in worldview, from the belief that life is an insignificant part of the physical universe (and sprung into existence from the Big Bang or bundles of old clothes), to one in which we -- not the Big Bang -- are the origin."
Saturday, February 19, 2011
House Approves Bill With Massive Spending Cuts After All-Night Session

... to say nothing of the time it takes to round them up. There's got to be a way to make them turn themselves in - if so, we could get 8 more holes in before brunch at the club.
Serf's up - and headin' for jail... that's what real men want to see.
About John Boehner
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Sarah Palin Addresses Wisconsin Protesters: You Must Be 'Willing To Sacrifice'

The enemies of working people demand tax cuts for the upper-clas
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Democrats Turn 'Where Are The Jobs?' Chant On Republicans

It's crystal clear to most thinking things that conservati
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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Santorum Google Searches Spike After He Speaks Out About His 'Google Problem'

This report is on the edge of incoherenc
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Nir Rosen To Anderson Cooper On Lara Logan Assault Tweets: 'I Was A Jerk' (VIDEO)

Someone's invented a machine so we can go back in time and erase the bonehead moves we've made - but the machine doesn't work, so we gotta live with what we've done.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011
House Drafts More Than 400 Amendments To 2012 Budget Proposal

There's hardly anything more annoying than this kind of adolescent snarkfest. But hey, I can play too - I've got an obnoxious, killer racoon in my neighborho
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Lawmaker Behind South Dakota's 'Justifiable Homicide' Bill Defends Measure, Makes Changes

Someone once suggested that, "A guy like that should be chased across the tundra like a rodent." Afraid there's not enough time for that; that guy needs stopping right now, before his idiocy becomes a law.
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'The Watchdog': Global Warming Skeptics Gather For Summit

... I see, so they're putting a cartoonist
Yup, that's the Grand Old Tea Party... "Daft Since Forever".
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Apple 'iPhone Mini' To Be Half The Size, Price Of iPhone 4: RUMOR (UPDATE)

Sounds intriguing to me; I love the cloud; I expect to live on the cloud more and more. I also expect to be a reserve soldier in the war against anyone who disturbs my access to the cloud.
Look around you... we're either in the posse, or we're one of the numpties who doesn't mind serfdom.
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UPDATE: Serene Branson Not Hospitalized For Stroke, Says CBS 2

only if you don't need to leave the ward and see the sunshine..
About Grammy Awards
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Lawrence O'Donnell: Bill O'Reilly 'A Joke' (VIDEO)

It's manna from heaven... Lawrence uses words like Tyrannosau
I am clam-happy and waiting for more!
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Whoopi Goldberg Rips New York Times For 'Erasing' Her Oscar Win (VIDEO)

yeah, that's smart and correct - offer Whoopi a tortured reasoning. That's real cool.
Either the NYT is drinking on the job, or someone's way to attached to their tin hat... or worse.
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Michelle Obama Cartoon: First Lady Drawn As Fat, Binging On Burgers

Using that cartoon clears up one thing at least: "Andrew Breitbart is one of the reasons the Grand Old Tea Party enjoys the reputation it has today."
He is a boring, annoying, and whining reminder that for some conservati
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Worst Housing Markets For 2011: Clear Capital Markets

...er, uh... I hope everyone notices that having San Francisco on this list is a bit dizzy. As shown, over the 2-year period from Jan 2010 to Dec 2011 home-price
We're lucky - or, wait, maybe it's because we're so cool, or maybe because we're liberals who love to spend too much on dinners and famous wines - or maybe it's like someone once said, "when San Franciscan
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Republican Lawmakers Face Grassroots Pressure Over 'War On Contraception'

Just plan your next vote and remember, if you don't have your own retirement plan and your own medical insurance, you are screwed if republican
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For the Love of a Teacher: Eloise Gale's Passing Inspires a Community of Giving

In a society where truth is taking a beating, and liberals and teachers are vilified, there are angels needed badly, and individual
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Shawna Forde, Anti-Immigration Vigilante, Convicted Of Killing Nine-Year-Old Girl And Her Father In Arizona

Because a right winger under arrest does not get as big an audience as a lefty under arrest - a modern media fact. The media focuses on emotional politics - which the right has been using to recruit idiots and dangerous mal-thinke
About Arizona Politics
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Plouffe: Obama Won't "Slash" Or "Reduce" Social Security Benefits
Plouffe: Obama Won't "Slash" Or "Reduce" Social Security Benefits: "'[A]s the President said in his State of the Union, he views Social Security primarily as an issue about shoring it up for the long term as opposed to a deficit issue,' Plouffe said. 'And we talked a lot about this as far back as the campaign, but are very clear that if there are proposals out there that are acceptable, that don't reduce benefits, don't slash benefits, that don't affect current retirees, the President is open to proposals that would shore the system up in the long term.'"
Actually, my view exactly...
Actually, my view exactly...
Monday, February 14, 2011
States and Cities Grapple With Retiree Health Costs - NYTimes.com
States and Cities Grapple With Retiree Health Costs - NYTimes.com: "Unions representing state and city workers often assert that public employees have become a scapegoat. They argue that reckless Wall Street behavior, not public-sector unions, caused the recession, leading to sharp drops in tax revenues that propelled the deficits."
Conservatives Suggest Planned Parenthood May Be Criminal Enterprise

Pence is going far too low. It's a big stain on his character that nobody should forget on election day. He, and others who support what he supports, have to be defeated at every turn.
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Egyptian Museum Missing 18 Items After Unrest

No, the present you're referring to is already gone. That is yesterday'
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CPAC Speeches & Fiery Attacks Suggest 2012 Campaign Has Begun

Sorry, I don't go for statements like this anymore: "That's not to say liberals would have been any more civil at their own event." That's a boilerplat
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Ann Coulter: 'There Should Be More Jailed Journalists' (VIDEO)

Coulter loves to shock, so she does. Anybody on the fringe right owes a huge debt of gratitude to this most famously distastefu
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