Monday, September 12, 2005

Campaign for the Supreme Court - The Politics and Strategy of the Appointment Battle

Campaign for the Supreme Court - The Politics and Strategy of the Appointment Battle: "My heart aches for less divisiveness,' he said, his voice quavering, 'less polarization, less finger-pointing, less bitterness, less partisanship.'
He said his concern was primarily about 'judicial activism' which has 'created these huge rifts in the social fabric of the country ... It's a tension pulling us apart' rather than bringing us together.
I believe it's time that it's stopped.'"

Such a pile of shit. "Judicial activism" means he doesn't like the decisions. He thinks that "it's time that it's stopped". He should make note of the fact that if my rights are curtailed in any way, then he will probably be consumed by a "steady tradewind of grapeshot".

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