Saturday, September 03, 2005

A Colossal Failure of Leadership - Eleanor Clift

A Colossal Failure of Leadership - Newsweek Hurricane Katrina Coverage - "This has been a colossal failure of government. President Bush spent Tuesday, the day after Katrina struck, at a Medicare event in Arizona and then he made his way to a San Diego naval base for yet another anniversary tribute to the Greatest Generation. His concession to reality was adding a few words of compassion to his prepared remarks."


Anonymous said...

Wow.. this always has to turn into a political issue. YEs there was hesitation and probably some misjudment but that an author of Newsweek had to turn this into Bush's colossal failure? This sounds like rightwinged commentary. Believe me I have not much interest into all this right vs left commentaries.I am international for goodness sakes. But what outrages me is that I am here with a roommate who has no idea where her cousin is, for the last that was heard of him is that he escaped with the clothes of his back, that people have nothing better to do than critize. WILL CRITICISM bring back what was lost, will it help right now? NO! so please spare your efforts into sending money for aid and such so others can be saved. It is fascinating in this country that yall turn a disaster into kiboshing with eachother instead of uniting to help the suffering. PEOPLE are already DESPERATE, their is NO NEED to start blame games right now! but to handle the situation at hand, yes the government and all those organizations may have acted sluggish but THANK GOD they are there now, they could've not been there at all! THANK GOD for what aid is getting released! Seeing and focusing on the negative continually does not help ANYONE right now, especially those who are hurting. Please spare those "investigations" and "reports" to when the country has recovered and that adequate time and effort can be put into looking into what went wrong. Most people know that some news reports right now are heavily tainted with emotion and outrage. Yet being a citizen right now, and non-citizens lets focus on helping these people survive and start a new unknown life again!

Anonymous said...

The sluggish reaction of the federal government is obviously a ploy by the Democrats to make George look like he couldn't care less if black people died, besides most of them didin't vote for him anyway.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Eleanor Clift writes from the top of her head and not from objective observation. Fact, President Bush declared Lousiana and the Gulf Coast a disaster days before the hurricane hit. New Orleans Mayor Nagin did't order an evacuation untill 14 hours before landfall. He left the local public transportation and school buses for the storm to destroy when they could have been used to evacuate. The Governor of New Orleans waited 2 days to declare martial law and did not call on the national guard. The worst is possible this, New Orleans Mayor had an evacuation plan, posted at this site,
Find one thing on there that he did.

You may think this is going to come back to the president but I geatly disagree. In the coming months we will find that the hurricane killed many people in three states, but the aftermath only killed people in New Orleans. The only diffrence politically between Alabama, Misissippi(sp), and Louisiana is only one is run by democrats and only one suffered under poor leadership. It will also be widely known that while the contry was in it's most desperate hour, the 'great centers' of liberal compassion San Fransisco, the entire North East, etc.. are silent and the most compassionate people are turning out to be the Texans. Possibly the most republican state in the union

Anonymous said...

Instead of declaring a national emergency and deploying the military from all those nearby Texas bases

Q: Ummm, didn't Bush declare the gulf states disaster areas PRIOR to the hurricane?

A: Yes.

Q: Can a president order troops in without a request by the governor?

A: No. There is some legal precedent that NAVAL assets might be "orderable" without consent of a governor, but NOT land based Army troops. Of course, such Naval assets WERE in fact ordered to sea several days ago and are on their way.

Q: Can Bush order guard units around?

A: No. Unless federalized they are in effect a private army under command of the governor.

Anonymous said...

Little georgie doesn't care about anyone except himself and his buddies and this is not being shown.