Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Dread Pirate Roberts Says If You Don't Rub My Robe, I Won't Cater Your Baptism

Give Me Your Tired, Non-gay Children and I'll Return Them In A Bag

"The law schools have their own message, 'that they believe it is immoral to abet discrimination,' he said.
This time, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor took issue. 'But they can say that to every student who enters the room,' she said.
'And when they do it, your honor, the answer of the students is, we don't believe you,' Mr. Rosenkranz said.
'The reason they don't believe you is because you're willing to take the money,' Chief Justice Roberts interjected. 'What you're saying is this is a message we believe in strongly, but we don't believe in it to the detriment of $100 million.'"

Ok, so according to Sandra "Bush not Gore" O'Connor, Law Schools can say to each student entering the campus' military recruiter's office, "we believe it is immoral to abet discrimination".

The schools should immediately make that a mandatory procedure.

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