Friday, December 16, 2005

Fabricated Links - Extra Spicey or Smoked ?

Bush Will Believe Any Evidence That Keeps His Mind Off The Next Drink: "But like the uranium yellowcake claims since determined to be fraudulent that are at the heart of the CIA leak case, the administration's original allegations about Zarqawi's trip also seem to be melting away. An updated CIA re-examination of the issue recently concluded that Saddam's regime may not have given Zarqawi 'safe haven' after all."

When we're out of National Guard Units, Bush will send in the scouts: Boy, Cub, Eagle, Bluebird, Pathfinder, Girl -

"Brownies, you're doing a great job !"

We give our hands in promise
To hold our country dear,
And abide the Girl Scout Law
Each day throughout the year.

Sorry we died mom, but thanks for supporting the President !


Smerdyakov said...

Aside from the fact that the yellowcake story is everything except proven fraudulent, your argument is easy enough to dismiss;
If the presidential election were held again today, what percentage of the vote do you think Bush would get from the soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines stationed in and around Iraq? 60%? 70%? More? So you have a lot of balls to try to speak for the men and women serving over there.

Anonymous said...

I don't see where I am trying to speak for the men and women serving in Iraq.

I don't need to, and I wouldn't know how.

And they can't speak for me. That's my job.

And what I say is that I have an 18 year old and I want the mincemeat machine decommissioned.

I don't believe you just don't care, so what do you want?