Friday, October 19, 2007

Hicks, Applebees, Ah Shucks, and Much Much More

Mickey Finn vs. Huck Finn:

At a quick glance, Giuliani - the slightly scary soprano wannabee, appears to be the most attractive candidate the GOP could choose. Granted, he will be soft with the uber-rightie mouthbreathers, but with his undeniable attractiveness to some traditional Democrats he will be able to carve some moderates away from Hillary, giving him an actual chance in the general election.

It all seems so clear that Giuliani is the most dangerous Republican to run against - except perhaps for this unknown force out there with the name Huckabee. This guy's chances are difficult to assess, but his appeal to many progressives is revealing something about the electorate in general that may be a bedeviling force for Democrat’s chances in the election. On so many core issues Huckabee is the antithesis of the progressive’s dream world. He publicly states a disbelief in evolution, a hard-right absolutist stance on reproductive choice; would probably acquiesce to the incarceration of active, practicing gays if he could, and I suspect that he would bring progressive government to a halt using means far harsher than his genial smile would suggest.

So what is Huckabee doing on the sunny side of the polls? Well, I think it is 3 things - with a chaser. He has a great face, he has a very pleasant manner of speaking, and he can talk about healthcare better than most of the competition - so far anyway. And to finish it all off, he has the best name in the game.

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