Tuesday, October 16, 2007

'Mission Accomplished'

General Wants "Victory Declaration": "Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, head of the Joint Special Operations Command’s operations in Iraq, is the chief promoter of a victory declaration and believes that AQI has been all but eliminated, the military intelligence official said."...

..."McChrystal happens to also be one of the military generals who also fiercely advocated the declaration of 'Mission Accomplished.' In April 2003, McChrystal assessed that 'major combat' was over in Iraq: 'I would anticipate that the major combat engagements are over,' Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal told reporters at a Pentagon briefing. He said U.S. forces are moving into a phase of 'smaller, albeit sharper fights.'"...

..."Gen. James Jones, the author of a detailed report on Iraqi security forces, said that 98 percent or more of the fighting is an internal civil conflict among Iraqis. All of which suggests that the basis for this declaration of 'mission accomplished' is just as misplaced as the last one."...

"...the Pentagon recommended McChrystal be 'held accountable' for 'misleading behavior' as a central player in the Pat Tillman affair."

The Republican landscape is rife with incompetence as far as the eye can see; the biggest throng of incompetent individuals the modern world has ever seen. Clarence on the Court, W in the Oval Office, Ollie North; now Stanley McChrystal - where do we get these guys? How'd we end up with Stan and Ollie when we so obviously need the likes of Ike and Omar?

Who the fuck let these dogs out?????

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