Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Heterosexual Domestic Partners and Gay Domestic Partners To Lose Rights

Woops! Republicans Target Me ??? Bad Plan: "The Florida proposal, according to its opponents, will affect not only gay couples but also heterosexual domestic partners, legally recognized in some areas of the state, and will mean insurance programs, hospital visitations and death benefits, and other citizens' rights would be terminated."

Anita and Matthew Stavor, a pesty couple of rightie mouth-breathers, want a surge of anti-gay anger to fill the poll booths. But threatening all old folks in Florida - whose retirement options can include choosing a Domestic Partner arrangement - stinks on ice.

I'm straight, getting older and planning retirement, and if I was in Florida, and the Liberty Council started to fuck with my rights, I'd go ballistic - and they'd know about it!

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