Thursday, December 10, 2009

GOP Senator: We Will Unanimously Oppose Newest Health Care Compromise

"And JUST in case the Spineless Democrats in Congress and the White House needed ONE MORE piece of proof that "compromising" wiith the Republicans is a waste of time....

They should SCRAP the bill that they're putting together, come up with a Medicare for All bill, bully their own members into voting for cloture, and be DONE with it!!!!!!!" - commentor LeftRight on HuffPo

Exactly what I think. The spineless will never stand up - they're spineless. We gotta march through this crowd of tards and just do the obvious. The future is getting pretty pissed waiting for us to stop being crazy.


McCain doesn't represent any decent proposal to extend healthcare availability and affordability to more Americans. He offers desperation to people in need, as he goes about representing a small sliver of the population who already have. What a low proposition for a human being with the opportunity to represent others. There is no quality in McCain that deserves my respect.

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