Saturday, December 19, 2009

No Thrill Up Dylan Ratigan's Leg

Taylor Marsh: "I've been uninsured many times in my life and it was for a reason. As a self-employed person I couldn't afford it. I see this plan to force people to buy insurance, looking at those un-insured times in my life and thinking about paying a penalty, and I just want to scream at the top of my lungs.

This is a free country last time I looked.

Democrats have absolutely no right and no moral authority to tell me or anyone else they must buy anything, least of all inside a rigged market that sends me further into debt or maybe worse.

My inner libertarian is on fire, and I'm a die hard liberal. If that isn't a warning sign for the White House nothing is."

Ok, then riddle me this: If you start paying for insurance in January, have surgery in April, then cancel insurance in June, how can an insurance industry exist?

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