Friday, December 31, 2010
Rev. James Martin, S.J.: 12 Things I Wish I Knew at 25: Spiritual Learnings on My 50th Birthday
Rev. James Martin, S.J.: 12 Things I Wish I Knew at 25: Spiritual Learnings on My 50th Birthday: "11. Seven things to say frequently: I love you. Thank you. Thank you, God. Forgive me. I'm so happy for you! Why not? Yes."
Arizona hospital loses Catholic status over surgery

...I see, so all is forgiven, and to add further clarity to the church's position, let's send more shirtless teenage boy acrobats to entertain the Pope.
And I bet we should stop blaming the Romans for the Crucifixio
About Abortion
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Arizona hospital loses Catholic status over surgery

No, that is not what you are saying - and it's not a problem of semantics. You are saying that one imagined aspect of life - a 'soul', can be 'aborted'. What does that even mean; that the 'soul' will 'die', and that person becomes a 'soul-less
About Abortion
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Steve King Makes Obscure Argument On Abortion Invoking Guns

The rule says that even someone as uncorked and debased as King has the right to speak his mind. OK, but I'm not confused in the least about who this guy is and where he's headed... this is all very familiar turf. But if I ever caught him talking to my kids about any of his blasphemy, I'd stop his air supply.
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Andy Martin, 'King Of The Birthers,' Announces Presidential Run

It's the GOP in a nutshell - an actual living, breathing nutshell. But sadly, he'll do his damage in public and we'll all have to endure him insulting the president of the United States - over and over and over. This is the new GOP-Tea-Pa
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Megyn Kelly Compares Calling 'Illegal Immigrants' Undocumented To Calling Rape Nonconsensual Sex (VIDEO)

I dunno what Cougar29 thinks, but I think Kelly said what someone would say after they've cashed in their humanity for a 7 figure income.
About Video
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Megyn Kelly Compares Calling 'Illegal Immigrants' Undocumented To Calling Rape Nonconsensual Sex (VIDEO)

When low-info Kelly says, "there are so many words that are suddenly becoming hurtful", it's important to remember that there is nothing "suddenly" about it when you've been hearing it every day of your life.
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I do what I want; I'm an American !
Mark Goulston, M.D.: How America Messed Up Its Kids... And How We Can Fix Them:
"Parent: 'Do you realize that taking full responsibility means that if it backfires and goes wrong, you will own up to it, pay back whatever it takes to make up for it going wrong and learn from it so that it doesn't happen again?'
Teenager: 'I didn't agree to that.'
Parent: 'Well, then what do you think taking full responsibility means?'
Teenager: 'That if it goes wrong, I will say, 'I'm sorry.'...
...Among our main roles and responsibility as parents is to teach, coach, guide and pass on to our children the character (and I do mean character) traits of self-reliance, resourcefulness, initiative, taking responsibility for one's actions and learning from one's mistakes (see 'How to Raise a Self-Confident Child').
If at age 18 they are lacking these, they are going to find success, happiness and life in general a challenge and even overwhelming.
To bring it into sharper focus, consider that at the exact moment that you as a parent bail out your child from facing the consequences of their screw-ups and taking full responsibility for them, literally millions of children in this world the same age as your child are taking full responsibility for their actions and becoming smarter, stronger and wiser. Within the next 10 to 20 years, those children (from China, India and elsewhere) will become your child's boss, and they won't bail out or accept your child's excuses. Instead, they will fire your children."
"Parent: 'Do you realize that taking full responsibility means that if it backfires and goes wrong, you will own up to it, pay back whatever it takes to make up for it going wrong and learn from it so that it doesn't happen again?'
Teenager: 'I didn't agree to that.'
Parent: 'Well, then what do you think taking full responsibility means?'
Teenager: 'That if it goes wrong, I will say, 'I'm sorry.'...
...Among our main roles and responsibility as parents is to teach, coach, guide and pass on to our children the character (and I do mean character) traits of self-reliance, resourcefulness, initiative, taking responsibility for one's actions and learning from one's mistakes (see 'How to Raise a Self-Confident Child').
If at age 18 they are lacking these, they are going to find success, happiness and life in general a challenge and even overwhelming.
To bring it into sharper focus, consider that at the exact moment that you as a parent bail out your child from facing the consequences of their screw-ups and taking full responsibility for them, literally millions of children in this world the same age as your child are taking full responsibility for their actions and becoming smarter, stronger and wiser. Within the next 10 to 20 years, those children (from China, India and elsewhere) will become your child's boss, and they won't bail out or accept your child's excuses. Instead, they will fire your children."
The Julian Assange Investigation -- Let's Clear the Air of Misinformation

Egad! After ucho paragraphs of seemingly important factoids, it finally becomes apparent that this is a pathetic, imaginary pissing contest with Assange.
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Chris Brown In Homophobic Twitter Rant?

I bet if you stacked them up they'd be less than 2 guys high, but they'd still be pulling each other's finger until there are no farts left in the universe. It's totally amazing that anyone would ever care about the lives of such low-life imbeciles.
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Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick 'Should Have Been Executed' (VIDEO)

Of course HuffPo won't allow it, but this just screams out for a Tucker Carlson 'ad hominem' cluster-fe
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AARP Signs Off On Obama Tax Cut Provision

Sure, he can let the Payroll Tax rise back to its former level next year, but that could doom his re-electio
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Bernie Sanders: Tax Cut Deal Could Doom Social Security (VIDEO)

I'm more angry with Obama about the Payroll Tax holiday than anything he has done in office. He has opened a small hole in every American citizen's security net - through which will pass the enemies of Social Security and Medicare. This is basic warfare 101, and Obama may well have lost our cause before the first shot was fired.
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The Poorhouse: Aunt Winnie, Glenn Beck, And The Politics Of The New Deal

Terrific article, and totally chilling - not just the bleak reality of times past, but the fact that we're about to let the right-wing GOP Tea-Bagger
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
66 and Workin' it...
Working past 65: Boomers face job challenges in senior years - "'I call them 'encore careers,' '"
Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick 'Should Have Been Executed' (VIDEO)

What crazy talk - in Tucker's twisted reckoning, Sarah Palin murders bears and it's hallelujah
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Palin Failin'

Alaska Icy On Sarah Palin: Poll: "A majority of voters in every single state we have polled so far on the 2012 race has an unfavorable opinion of her."
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Bad Idea
Coupla' decades of this and we'll all be as toxic as tuna:
Cleaning Up a Broken Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb (CFL):
Before cleanup:
Have people and pets leave the room.
Air out the room for 5-10 minutes by opening a window or door to the outdoor environment.
Shut off the central forced air heating/air-conditioning (H&AC) system, if you have one.
Collect materials needed to clean up broken bulb.
During cleanup:
Be thorough in collecting broken glass and visible powder.
Place cleanup materials in a sealable container.
After cleanup:
Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly.
Avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.
For several hours, continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off.
You'd better hope the last people in this room remembered to do all that...
Cleaning Up a Broken Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb (CFL):
Before cleanup:
Have people and pets leave the room.
Air out the room for 5-10 minutes by opening a window or door to the outdoor environment.
Shut off the central forced air heating/air-conditioning (H&AC) system, if you have one.
Collect materials needed to clean up broken bulb.
During cleanup:
Be thorough in collecting broken glass and visible powder.
Place cleanup materials in a sealable container.
After cleanup:
Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly.
Avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.
For several hours, continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off.
You'd better hope the last people in this room remembered to do all that...
Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)

Taitz says she wants to have the President show it; Chris says Obama should show it. I see Chris being sucked down the hole and I just think he should have refused the bait.
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GOP Rep.-Elect Joe Walsh To Reject Federal Health Insurance

Is that what the GOP is arguing? Employer healthcare plans should be discontinu
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Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)

A birther is someone wanting to see the President'
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Monday, December 27, 2010
Miller Says He Won't Block Murkowski Senate Win

This is the guy that stands at your open front door - allegedly leaving - and can't stop talking. You're freezing your ass off, yet on and on and on he goes yakking about everything except leaving. Then he leaves, but then he vows to come back tomorrow and nail the door shut so it never freezes anyone's ass off ever again.
The only way to stop this thing is to remove its batteries.
Texas schoolbook changes may affect Calif. |
Texas schoolbook changes may affect Calif. "Under pressure, Thomas Jefferson was reinstated to a list of political philosophers that the Texas students will study. He was originally deleted because of his belief in separation of church and state."
Sunday, December 26, 2010
'Million Dollar Money Drop' Invites Couple Back After Mistaken Wrong Answer (VIDEO)

Gawd! What a screw job. Why do Gabe Okoye and Brittany Mayti have to come back and sweat it out again? They won the $800,000.0
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
The "butt-ugly" microphone...
Sinatra - Jobim Complete Reprise Recordings, part two.. [Archive] - Page 10 - SH Forums:
"05-12-2010, 04:52 PM
What's with the ad-libbed windscreens? (See the Jobim mic with what appears to be a sock over the mic, a few posts back.) There's a doozy (the 10th picture down) on this page:

Here's some backstory from Phill Sawyer, the guy at United who placed that on the microphone (from page 24 of the Vegas box set book):
"I opened the special memorial edition of Newsweek magazine, and I was horrified. I had put a microphone in front of his face many times, but here was Frank Sinatra -- in color and full-page, facing a microphone with a big, ugly, messy wad of masking tape scrunched around it -- put there by me in layer after layer, trying to keep a great microphone in service at one of the busiest recording studios in Hollywood. Engineer Eddie Bracket had warned me, 'It'll never stay on.' Eddie was wrong. It'll be there forever. "
MLutthans05-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Here's some backstory from Phill Sawyer, the guy at United who placed that on the microphone (from page 24 of the Vegas box set book):
That is a GREAT story! I've wondered about that (sorry for the language) butt-ugly windscreen for years!
By the way, Phill and I have swapped a couple of e-mails, and he seems like a great guy.
"05-12-2010, 04:52 PM
What's with the ad-libbed windscreens? (See the Jobim mic with what appears to be a sock over the mic, a few posts back.) There's a doozy (the 10th picture down) on this page:

Here's some backstory from Phill Sawyer, the guy at United who placed that on the microphone (from page 24 of the Vegas box set book):
"I opened the special memorial edition of Newsweek magazine, and I was horrified. I had put a microphone in front of his face many times, but here was Frank Sinatra -- in color and full-page, facing a microphone with a big, ugly, messy wad of masking tape scrunched around it -- put there by me in layer after layer, trying to keep a great microphone in service at one of the busiest recording studios in Hollywood. Engineer Eddie Bracket had warned me, 'It'll never stay on.' Eddie was wrong. It'll be there forever. "
MLutthans05-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Here's some backstory from Phill Sawyer, the guy at United who placed that on the microphone (from page 24 of the Vegas box set book):
That is a GREAT story! I've wondered about that (sorry for the language) butt-ugly windscreen for years!
By the way, Phill and I have swapped a couple of e-mails, and he seems like a great guy.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Is the AARP Willing to Bargain on Social Security?
Is the AARP Willing to Bargain on Social Security? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine:
"Grampa: Oh, Lisa, what makes you think you deserve all that money?
Lisa: I don't deserve it, Grampa. No one here does. The people who deserve it are on the streets, and they're in the slums. They're little children who need more library books and families who can't make ends meet. Of course, if you really wanted to, you could buy me a pony.
Grampa: You're right!
Lisa: I'll name her Princess, and I'll ride her every day!"
"Grampa: Oh, Lisa, what makes you think you deserve all that money?
Lisa: I don't deserve it, Grampa. No one here does. The people who deserve it are on the streets, and they're in the slums. They're little children who need more library books and families who can't make ends meet. Of course, if you really wanted to, you could buy me a pony.
Grampa: You're right!
Lisa: I'll name her Princess, and I'll ride her every day!"
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sarah Palin Uses Info Gleaned From 'Treasonous' WikiLeaks To Pen Op-Ed On Dangers Of Iran

Her hypocrisy should doom her, but it actually whets the appetite of America's army of irrational mouth-brea
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Excommunication of Margaret McBride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Excommunication of Margaret McBride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "William H. Brophy. Brophy wrote that 'an action which is in and of itself wrong, in that it lacks goodness as discerned by the light of human reason, is never justified by circumstances or intended end.'
He would have let her die. That's the take-away...
He would have let her die. That's the take-away...
Arizona hospital loses Catholic status over surgery

"What ever happened to Catholic compassion
About Abortion
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Arizona hospital loses Catholic status over surgery

Yes. I completely agree with your comment. This man, and his faulty vision of the truth, would have let the woman die. Horrific. Bishop Olmsted's ethical travesty is yet another spectacle from a Catholic Church deeply in crises - and on many fronts.
About Abortion
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'Resisting The Green Dragon': Religious Right Attacks Environmentalism As 'Deadly' And 'Destructive' In New DVD Series

The audacity of dopes. These people, steeped in pride and sanctimony
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WikiLeaks: Anna Nicole Smith Wreaked Havoc In Bahamas

Amazing how many commenters are offended by this article. What's up with that? I was interested because I had no idea her presence was so affecting in so many ways in the Bahamas, and now I know...
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Paris Liberated: Rare, Unpublished - Photo Gallery - LIFE

Paris Liberated: Rare, Unpublished - Photo Gallery - LIFE: In Paris on August 25th, 1944, Charles de Gaulle gave perhaps the most famous speech of his long, controversial career, addressing a crowd of thousands :
'Why do you desire that we hide the emotion which seizes us all, men and women, who are here, at home, in Paris ... ? No! We will not hide this deep and sacred emotion. These are minutes which go beyond each of our poor lives. Paris! Paris outraged! Paris broken! Paris martyred! But Paris liberated! Liberated by itself, liberated by its people with the help of the French armies, with the support and the help of all France, of the France that fights, of the only France, of the real France, of the eternal France!'"
Christianity is "the foundation of our national morality"
#index/0: "As for the religious views of Hitler himself, the evidence is conflicting: In public statements he sometimes praised Christianity (once calling it 'the foundation of our national morality'), but in private conversations -- including one recalled by the Third Reich's official architect, Albert Speer -- the Führer is said to have abhorred the faith for what he deemed its 'meekness and flabbiness.' Hitler did, however, fervently worship one thing above all else: the Aryan race. And by the time Hugo Jaeger took the photos seen here, Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, commanding general of the SS, had articulated and launched their plan for creating a 'master' race -- via, in large part, the extermination of Europe's Jews."
Two Dreams, One Dead - Swampland -
Two Dreams, One Dead - Swampland - "But let us focus for a moment on the 'Dream Act,' a vote of staggering cynicism and ugliness on the part of most Republicans and five morally-deficient Democrats."
9/11 First Responders Storm Tom Coburn's Office To Protest Block On Their Health Care Bill (VIDEO)

For a guy who was a no-show when the committee met to deal with this legislatio
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010
They coulda' had it all...
“The Yellow Pages had one of the best identities in the history of - everything; and they screwed up gigantic big-time and lost the battle of 'search', which they should have 'owned'.”
Net Neutrality Vote: Twitter Users As Divided As FCC

Yeah... the definition of terms is out of control. Some idiots believe that 'net neutrality
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You're Out: 20 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade (PHOTOS)

We'll pass over your idiotic snipe and just observe that you should be happy that you've got this all figured out. You've evidently got your retirement savings chugging along, and you've figured out a way to cut your lifestyle enough to finance your $12,000.00 a year health insurance. Oh please do share your plans pal, there are a lot of people who haven't figured this out yet...
About Most Popular
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You're Out: 20 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade (PHOTOS)#s210848#s210848
You're Out: 20 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade (PHOTOS)#s210848#s210848: "Publishing industry insider Mike Shatzkin predicts, 'what brick-and-mortar booksellers will experience in the first six months of 2011 will be the most difficult time they've ever seen' and, as HuffPostBooks wrote here, the pace of bookstore closings is increasing."
Mike Huckabee Defends Michelle Obama Against Sarah Palin (AUDIO)

Right on, Mike. I'm sure you're not my type - let me count the ways - but I think this is one area where you've got a dog in the race and you know what you're talking about, and you know that Michelle is an American Gem for what she's trying to achieve. Thanks...
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Michelle, our National Gem
Mike Huckabee Defends Michelle Obama Against Sarah Palin (AUDIO): "Huckabee then expressed some worry that America's armed forces would be seriously crippled by the ongoing issue of obesity, and explained that the problem started with a system of incentives in which children received sugary foods for good behavior and were punished with vegetables."
Right on, Mike. I'm sure you're not my type, but I think this is one area where you've got a dog in the race and know what you're talking about.
Right on, Mike. I'm sure you're not my type, but I think this is one area where you've got a dog in the race and know what you're talking about.
9/11 First Responders Storm Tom Coburn's Office To Protest Block On Their Health Care Bill (VIDEO)

Coburn wants to price the loaves and fishes as, once again, he abandons Americans in favor of his bizarre GOP logic. How tone deaf are citizens allowed to get before they need to be rounded up?
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Net Neutrality Vote: Twitter Users As Divided As FCC

The ignorance is breathtaki
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Employed But Struggling: Report Finds 1 in 3 Working Families Near Poverty, it was not an article about poverty. It was about working and living 'near' poverty. Just do the math yourself: healthcare
About Financial Crisis
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Obama vs. The 'Tear Down Congress'

Wrong! Germany has the best healthcare because Farrah Fawcett went to Germany for the special treatment she wanted - before King Abdullah came to America. I think I finally get it; Tea-Party logic rules!
About Barack Obama
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Larry David: Thanks For The Tax Cut!

It's the "Let's go medieval" movement. Here's how it works: just ask yourself why you have to pay taxes to maintain the highway that goes by this guy's house? - you don't use that highway, and he's not a relative of yours, so let him cough up the cash. Next...
About Bush Tax Cuts
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
20th Century New Music
PostClassic: January 2008 Archives: "in the 1980s, composers in New York cultivated their niches and avoided stepping on each others' toes. To make a piece that only explored one aspect of music was a logical extension of minimalism, but the variety of types of limitations people came up with reveals that Feldman was often the more profound impetus. Feldman didn't so much inspire minimalism as he inspired postminimalism. Perhaps it was partly a response to the difficulty of creating an artistic identity in the crowded Manhattan scene, but it was partly OK because Feldman had done it.
Stockhausen once told Feldman, 'Your music could be a moment in my music,' but it was Feldman who had the last laugh. His monochrome music relegated Stockhausen's panoramas to an earlier historical era."...
..."One of my favorite stories Feldman liked to tell was of Marcel Duchamp visiting an art class in San Francisco, where he saw a young man wildly painting away. Duchamp went over and asked, 'What are you doing?' The young man said, 'I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!' And Duchamp patted him on the back and said, 'Keep up the good work.' In music, it was Feldman, more than anyone else, who gave us permission not to know what the fuck we were doing."...
..."The difficulty of assessing Morton Feldman's impact is that it is so pervasive. Music has by now been so changed by people who were changed by people who were changed by Feldman that I think it would be difficult to trace the various streams of his influence back to their source. Musically, we live in a post-Feldman age, and I am certainly conscious of being a post-Feldman composer. Things are done now that were not done before Feldman gave us precedents. There is music before and after Monteverdi, and before and after Beethoven, and before and after Stravinsky, and I would not be surprised to find that poeple someday talk about music before and after Feldman."
Stockhausen once told Feldman, 'Your music could be a moment in my music,' but it was Feldman who had the last laugh. His monochrome music relegated Stockhausen's panoramas to an earlier historical era."...
..."One of my favorite stories Feldman liked to tell was of Marcel Duchamp visiting an art class in San Francisco, where he saw a young man wildly painting away. Duchamp went over and asked, 'What are you doing?' The young man said, 'I don't know what the fuck I'm doing!' And Duchamp patted him on the back and said, 'Keep up the good work.' In music, it was Feldman, more than anyone else, who gave us permission not to know what the fuck we were doing."...
..."The difficulty of assessing Morton Feldman's impact is that it is so pervasive. Music has by now been so changed by people who were changed by people who were changed by Feldman that I think it would be difficult to trace the various streams of his influence back to their source. Musically, we live in a post-Feldman age, and I am certainly conscious of being a post-Feldman composer. Things are done now that were not done before Feldman gave us precedents. There is music before and after Monteverdi, and before and after Beethoven, and before and after Stravinsky, and I would not be surprised to find that poeple someday talk about music before and after Feldman."
Out of Business
Robert Reich: The Year Washington Became "Business Friendly": "Researchers from the Asian Development Bank Institute have dissected an iPhone whose wholesale price is around $179.00 to determine where the money actually goes.
Some shows up in Apple's profits, which are soaring.
About $61 of the $179 price goes to Japanese workers who make key iPhone components, $30 to German workers who supply other pieces, and $23 to South Korean workers who provide still others. Around $6 goes to the Chinese workers who assemble it. Most of the rest goes to workers elsewhere around the globe who make other bits. Only about $11 of that iPhone goes to American workers, mostly researchers and designers. ..."
"...2010 was the year Washington became even more "business friendly." The result has been more and better jobs -- but not in America."
Some shows up in Apple's profits, which are soaring.
About $61 of the $179 price goes to Japanese workers who make key iPhone components, $30 to German workers who supply other pieces, and $23 to South Korean workers who provide still others. Around $6 goes to the Chinese workers who assemble it. Most of the rest goes to workers elsewhere around the globe who make other bits. Only about $11 of that iPhone goes to American workers, mostly researchers and designers. ..."
"...2010 was the year Washington became even more "business friendly." The result has been more and better jobs -- but not in America."
Monday, December 20, 2010
40 Percent Of Americans Still Believe In Creationism

Love the top-notch science of creationis
In Dog Years that'd be 70,000 years ago. But I think the real explanatio
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Sarah Palin Jabs Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign With S'mores

In the Palin universe we're all wearing loin cloths and driving SUVs through the woods shooting bears with bazookas, yelling that there are no government rules, then veering into the Teacher's Union Hall, screaming "Who says I can't turn right on red?"
Somebody should answer that screech owl - don't you think?
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Narcissism: The New Normal?

The old "when I was a kid, we did it better..." doesn't cut it when trying to assess the new landscape; not when there are so many powerful societal and technologi
Home life has changed radically in the last 50 years. With microwave cooking available 24/7, kids haven't needed mom for 'dinner time', or even 'lunch time', since they were 9. Add in cheap crud at the drive-thro
A superior creature might very well appear narcissist
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'Repeal Amendment' Propelled By Tea Party Would Enable States To Overturn Any Act Of Congress

Why would 100 people in California want to give half their power to 10 in South Carolina ? That's what these dullards have in mind - that's why they're dullards. But unfortunat
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Peter King: I'll Hold Hearings On Radical Islam

He was level-head
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South Carolina Celebration Of Secession Sparks New Tensions

Southern Carolina's actions are despicable
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
Bob Corker To Dems: Pass DADT And We Will Hamper START

Totally unacceptab
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'Piers Morgan Tonight' Starts Jan. 17 On CNN

Brilliant stunt-your
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Friday, December 17, 2010
Maple Syrup Research Industry Fires Back At John McCain

The grouchy bomber from yesteryear - who decided that Sarah Palin is qualified to be President of the United States - is not a good source of quality thinking. He's just defaulting to his mindless whack-a-mo
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
Special Report: Is America the sick man of the globe? - Yahoo! News
Special Report: Is America the sick man of the globe? - Yahoo! News: "'The golden rule used to be do unto others as you would have them do unto you,' said the born-again Christian. 'Now the rule is he who has the gold, makes the rules.'"
"Basically, we're doomed."
Special Report: Is America the sick man of the globe? - Yahoo! News: "Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital, who predicted the housing-fueled crash (and made an unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Senate this year), is among the skeptics who fear that Washington isn't owning up to the problem.
Schiff said he favors ending long-term unemployment benefits because he says they prevent Americans from taking low-paid jobs. "Nobody wants to tell the truth and say that lower paying jobs are here to stay," he said. "One way or another, America is going to be poorer. Basically, we're doomed."
Schiff said he favors ending long-term unemployment benefits because he says they prevent Americans from taking low-paid jobs. "Nobody wants to tell the truth and say that lower paying jobs are here to stay," he said. "One way or another, America is going to be poorer. Basically, we're doomed."
YouTube in Bid to Buy Video Producer - Next New Networks supplied YouTube's biggest hits of 2online video isn't just about Hollywood010
YouTube in Bid to Buy Video Producer - Next New Networks supplied YouTube's biggest hits of 2010: "It's a bet by YouTube on alternative, independently produced video... YouTube is saying that online video isn't just about Hollywood."
Rachel Maddow Tells David Letterman She Used To Be A Huge Glenn Beck Fan (VIDEO)

You can be anti-war, yet still recognize excellent weaponry. "Triumph of the Will" was a dangerous, powerful German propaganda film of the WWII era, yet one can neverthele
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Rachel Maddow Tells David Letterman She Used To Be A Huge Glenn Beck Fan (VIDEO)

it's not a news channel; it's a carnival midway with on-air runway models grappling with internatio
About David Letterman
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John Roberts Officially Leaving CNN's 'American Morning'

What ultimately makes Morning Joe work is the trace of menace in his perfect good-cop-b
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Financial Crisis Panel In Turmoil As Republicans Defect; Plan To Blame Government For Crisis

Most of what occurs in our lives does so as a result of using language. Those who gain control over the meaning of words have an almost unstoppabl
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John Cornyn Up In Arms Over All The Earmarks Not Requested By John Cornyn

Quite maddening to hear a conversati
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