Saturday, January 02, 2010

We need to create 'X'

Dale Maharidge Interview: Nobody Is Covering The Economic Pain Of Real Americans: "Robert Reich, the former Labor Secretary, had a posting at his site a few months ago, talking about the possibilities of a 'V-shaped recovery' and a 'u-shaped recovery.' He said that the real problem is that the consumer society is not going to come back. The credit is not going to be there. The second mortgages are not going to be there. He said that we need to create 'X' -- something new. And that's what the press should be concentrating on."

..."We have to make things. All wealth comes from the soil and sea. I lived in an Iowa town for a year for a book I wrote called Denison, Iowa. Middle of corn country. There was one high-tech firm in Denison, and they did the billing for rural electric cooperatives. They had sixteen employees. High tech jobs, great wages, but none of it would have existed if they didn't grow corn. If the corn stops growing tomorrow, those jobs are gone. That's a microcosm of the country."

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