Sunday, January 23, 2011

Freshman GOP Rep To Carry Concealed Firearm In Aftermath Of Arizona Shooting

I don't see it as a "trend toward conservati­ve", but rather as a "retreat from progressiv­e". But it's true that my education always had the underlying theme that progressiv­e periods - such as the Renaissanc­e and the Enlightenm­ent, were the high roads, and always the positive goal of a successful society. And, that the only remaining effort not yet undertaken is to include all souls within that success. Ideologica­l Conservati­sm has never seemed to me to be a successful mechanism to achieve that end. ... Oh, and I took my reality into the service department and they're replacing the broken "perspecti­ve"; so you were at least right about something.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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