Sunday, March 06, 2011

George F. Will - Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and the spotlight-chasing candidates of 2012

George F. Will - Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich and the spotlight-chasing candidates of 2012: Sensible Americans must "be detecting vibrations of weirdness emanating from people associated with the party.

The most recent vibrator is Mike Huckabee"

"...A contemporary of William Jennings Bryan once said of the three-time Democratic presidential nominee, 'One could drive a prairie schooner through any part of his argument and never scrape against a fact.'"

"...the Republican winnowing process is far advanced. But the nominee may emerge much diminished by involvement in a process cluttered with careless, delusional, egomaniacal, spotlight-chasing candidates to whom the sensible American majority would never entrust a lemonade stand, much less nuclear weapons."

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