Thursday, January 12, 2006

Alito Makes Women Cry

Alito is scaring the bejeezus out of a nation of women whose freedoms are about to be reined in: "On the Republican side, Cathy Fleming, who worked under Alito when he was U.S. attorney for New Jersey and has known him for two decades, was to testify in support of his nomination, according to a GOP witness list.
Problem: Fleming also is president-elect of the National Association of Women Lawyers, which declared Jan. 8 that it had evaluated Alito's record and found him 'not qualified to serve on the court from a women's rights perspective.'"

Lindsay Graham reads from the words of Justice Ginzberg about how a woman needs control of her own body - and he disagrees ??? Is this how you think? If so, fuck you - and what are your coordinates?


Anonymous said...

Thousands of girls will be terrified every day as soon as Roe is gone.

Good work, Republican parents.

Anonymous said... eloquently worded...and yet so pointless. Oh how I enjoy reading the words of the powerless and feeble. If you are all so convinced that the republican party is the absolute worst thing that has happened to western civilization since God then maybe you should do something wild and I dont something that puts you in a position of power. A position to fashion the world as you see fit. Each night before I sleep in my huge, comfortable, republican bed I pray to my god above that someday soon I can I browse random websites without having this mindless nonsense regurgitated by hollywood loving left wing socialist after hollywood loving left wing socialist. Thank you for entertaining me day after day...after all...without you what would Rush talk about for 4 hours a day??

Anonymous said...

Thank you wow.

Seems as how you may have forgotten what your mentor whispered in your ear that one special night, "A Faberge Balloon should never insult a hairpin."

Thanks for the French lessons and for being so right.

Your Entertainer,
