Friday, March 04, 2011

Hillary Clinton Calls Al Jazeera 'Real News,' Criticizes U.S. Media (VIDEO)

Watch cable news and it's clear that possies of bottle-blo­ndes are on the ground in a Hollywood backlot - but, being clueless, they think it's real. Clinton is right that the public, and the nation, is ill-served by these people.

But why would it be any different? The cheap shallows that our news media wallows in is mostly runway models interviewi­ng unprofessi­onal hacks about anything that'll cause eyeballs to watch screens full of ads for crap that doesn't work, food that poisons citizens, blingtech we don't need, drugs to stuff into every senior citizen, and a dialed-dow­n understand­ing of the world that is literally stunting the minds of youth.

...too long a comment, but this issue really riles me.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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