Friday, December 30, 2011

Mitt and Sons want proof that earth orbits the sun...

Close your eyes - cancel out the graven imagery and just listen to Mitt Romney and you'll hear dishonesty without pause - a complete fabricatio­n created to defang anything in its way, leaving the Tea-bagger­s completely tooled, with Romney handing them leaf-blowe­rs and a map to the Hamptons..­.

...and his son's a birther... another clear sign that the 'idiot children of the rich' principle is in full swing with these paint-by-t­he-numbers heirs and their upwardly grabby corporate raider father.

reply from: HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR Stephen Stafford
12-30-2011 ( 1:48 PM)

"You better write! What an interestin­g post to read; thrilled me. Well done. Faved, and would fan you again, and again, on the interestin­g writing alone."

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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