Monday, March 13, 2006

George Clooney hits gutless Dems

A furious George hits gutless Dems: "George Clooney has a message for Democratic office-holders who voted for the war in Iraq, only to claim later that they'd been misled by President Bush: 'Fuck you!'

The movie star's argument - directed at the likes of presidential wannabes Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry and John Edwards - is actually more nuanced than that. But not by much.

'The fear of being criticized can be paralyzing,' Clooney writes today on - pumping up the volume after banging the drum of Hollywood liberalism in his Oscar acceptance speech.

'Just look at the way so many Democrats caved in the runup to the war. In 2003, a lot of us were saying, where is the link between Saddam and Bin Laden? What does Iraq have to do with 9/11? We knew it was bullsit.

'Which is why it drives me crazy to hear all these Democrats saying, 'We were misled.' It makes me want to shout, 'Fuck you, you weren't misled. You were afraid of being called unpatriotic.''"

Clooney is absolutely right on the mark with his recent comments. I too am proud to vehemently oppose the idiocy of our endless war scenario, whether or not I am branded a traitor. Because being a traitor to what is now called Americanism is to be a patriot of the first order. And I too say "fuck you" to any and all windsock democrats who failed to fully oppose the grand and deadly folly of the Iraq War.

Censure Bush? You fucking bet!

Impale his narrow ass? You betcha!

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