Friday, March 24, 2006

Malkin Turns on New 'Wash Post' Blogger

Step Down: "Domenech's detractors, are right. He should own up to it and step down. Then, the Left should cease its sick gloating and leave him and his family alone.'"

Malkin is an ass.

"Conservative writer Rick Moran wrote today on The American Thinker site that "what simply cannot be tolerated in any venue where the written word is revered and opinions respected is plagiarism.

And according to material dug up by several lefty bloggers, the shocking fact seems to be that Domenech is a word stealer of epic proportions, someone who has lifted entire articles from other sources and claimed the words and ideas as his own...."With so many eloquent and able conservative writers, I’m sure the Post will have no problem finding someone else to take over a blog that should be espousing honesty and decency as the principles by which we on the right live by.

"Anything short of that just won’t do."

Malkin is an unsane flop whose conceit is that her personal fear and loathing are invisible. To any liberal with a pulse, she is clearly a very pathetic, asymetrical know-nothing whose pond was drained long ago of all but the weakest eggs of the oldest mosquitos. When she runs for public office, one hornet will kill her off.

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