Sunday, March 26, 2006

Heartless Political Instincts

Righties Give Birth To The Border Wars : "They are 'a scourge that threatens the very future of our nation,' he says. He laments 'the cult of multiculturalism,' and worries about America's becoming a 'Tower of Babel.' If Republican presidential candidates don't put the problem atop the agenda in 2008, he says he'll run himself, just to force the front runners to talk about it. Not that he thinks he'd win the White House. He declares himself 'too fat, too short and too bald' to be president. If the Republicans lose the election because he's too tough on the issue, he says, 'So be it.'"

Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo, your basic rightie thug, is at work ending the Republican domination of congress. The Democrats are working hard to thwart this effort and, if history is a guide, will come from in front to help those righties to another successful 3-point landing and leftie lynching.

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