Monday, September 11, 2006

ABC Lies Back And Enjoys It

Republican-ABC Drama Shown Free On National TV - Righties Say Payback For Michael Moore: "'And if you don't like the hits to the Clinton administration, well, welcome to the club,' Lehman said. 'The Republicans have lived with Michael Moore and Oliver Stone and most of Hollywood as a fact of life.'"

Michael Moore and Oliver Stone make commercial movies that you choose to pay to see. ABC just spills it out into everyone's living room.

But Thomas Kean, who chaired the national commission that investigated Sept. 11 - and who was involved with the production of the ABC drama, said on ABC-TV that he thought there was no doubt that the Iraq war had raised dangers for the region.
“There’s no question the war in Iraq is radicalizing, increasing people in that area,” he said. “If it becomes, as it seems to be coming, a civil war, that civil war could spread outside the boundaries of Iraq to other areas. It’s a very dangerous situation. And in that kind of a situation, in that area, that’s where terror likes to breed.”

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