Friday, September 08, 2006

Facebook Faces Death From Idiotic Management

This dude gets the Pentium-One Loser Chump Chip Award: "'Calm down. Breathe. We hear you,' wrote Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chairman and chief executive.

"Fuck you. Die. You don't hear anything!", wrote me.

'We're not oblivious of the Facebook groups popping up about this,' Zuckerberg wrote of the protests. '. . . And we agree, stalking isn't cool; but being able to know what's going on in your friends' lives is. This is information people used to dig for on a daily basis, nicely reorganized and summarized so people can learn about the people they care about.'

Facebook's site already provides privacy settings that allow users to control who sees what information, he said. At the strictest setting, information would not be circulated on the news feed; the news feed collects only information that people have already allowed to be visible on their pages.

Still, for George Washington senior Justin Persuitti, the mere prospect of unexpected disclosure made him conjure up unsettling scenarios: 'You could have a girlfriend and be at a bar kissing another girl, and somebody could post [a cellphone photo] on your wall.'"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"At the strictest setting, information would not be circulated on the news feed."

So you have to give up anything resembling a smart, flexible security setup in order to get out of the Stalker Feature.

Zuckerberg has the brains of a Zuckerbird.