Friday, September 22, 2006

Judge Tells Reporters To Talk or Go To Jail

Silence means prison: "Williams, 56, said that in seeking his testimony, federal prosecutors 'demand I give up my career and my livelihood.'' If such orders become commonplace, he said, 'Whistle-blowers won't come forward. Injustices will never see the light of day. Our people will be less informed and worse off.'
White described both men as 'highly successful, highly respected journalists'' but said they have no legal right to disobey the subpoenas.
'When do we get to choose what laws we're going to obey?'' the judge asked.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Raphael said the reporters are fortunate that they are facing only sanctions for civil contempt of court rather than criminal prosecution. They were 'very likely participating in a crime,'' such as aiding in illegal disclosures, but prosecutors decided against criminal proceedings, he said. "

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