Ready, aim, kill: Such crap: "beg government bureaucrats to PLEASE let us have the operation we need to stay alive."
At Huffington Post, commenter 'Cara C' assumes the position:
"They want to rob us, take away our liberty, including our right to try to save our own lives - and hey, shut up about it or you're a fascist. No, the people speaking up to protect our LIBERTY are NOT fascists. The politicians trying to lie and manipulate us into government-run health care are the fascists.
Most Americans do not want post-office quality health care. We do not want to have to beg our primary care physicians for referrals to specialists, or beg specialists for tests we want run, or beg government bureaucrats to PLEASE let us have the operation we need to stay alive.
We need health care reform, but we need MORE freedom in our medical choices, not less. We already take care of the elderly and the poor with Medicare and Medicaid. Clean up the corruption in those programs and give the rest of us more health care freedom."
Cara, you should be ashamed to be so wrong. You are thinking with bumper-sticker cliches fed to you by those you believe are trustworthy. They are not trustworthy - they are not even people; they are flesh-clad investor bots whose paths to profit have dried up - there is no more DOT.COM boom for them, and there is no more real estate boom for them. The profit in the future is all about the gigantic windfall from the boomers as they age into retirement and begin shedding their money to pay for the oodles of drugs being 'invented' and sold at huge profits.
Whoever is doing your thinking for you is letting you down bigtime.