Monday, August 10, 2009

Palin's "Death Panel"

After Being A Horses Ass, Palin Calls For Civility: "There is nothing in any of the proposed health care legislation that would set up anything remotely like what Palin describes."

Palin’s sicko reference to a fictitious Obama "Death Panel", and Rush calling Libs (like me) Nazis, is plenty enough for me.

I assume that Republicans, since they don't have to be Republicans, want to be Republicans, and they must actually believe this bonehead crap published by their well-loved leaders – like Gingrich and Rush and Huckabee and Coulter and Malkin, all of whom are “hardly far enough out of the ground to be sanitary”.

By the time Palin is done encouraging and inciting rage - with her caustic, outrageous presence, people will be ripping their “GOP” and “Republican” bumper stickers off of their cars and “swearing to God” that they never even heard of Republicans.

And they will all wonder why the hell they told the Libs about the 2nd Amendment.

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