Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rubes and Pubes

I Am a Business Owner, and I Fully Support a Public Health Option: "I am not an expert on health care reform. But I am an individual who is sick and tired of having one industry have so much control over my personal and business life. There is great irony in that those against a public option argue that they don't want government to have more control than it currently does. Well I would much rather have a government option than continue in the hands of an industry driven solely by profits. One that has repeatedly screwed the public and laughed all the way to the bank."

"...The opposition continues to shout their well-rehearsed lines and fails to acknowledge the most beautiful part of this entire proposal. That the public option is just option. If you happen to be one of the fortunate ones who likes your current coverage, you get to keep it. This isn't scary -- it's liberating.

I am a business owner and I support a public health option. I wish the administration did too."
Well, the woman shown protesting evidently insists on the Brazillian wax job - "NO Pubic Hair" indeed !

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