Thursday, August 20, 2009

Up Daddy's Magisterial Pole

Senator John Ensign is a poster boy for the contemptible spirit of the right. He was in your high school; at your college vomiting out a Greek house window during the drunk years, and pawing away at dreary ASU coeds – like clockwork, waiting the traditional period of time until his trek up the magisterial pole begins.

But this Ensign is slightly more repulsive - let’s just say that you can buy guys like him in bars in the South Seas – idiot children of the rich, eagerly yacht-hopping and kid groping and inevitably ending up in their parent’s future, paying under the table for an ovation and an eventual triumph.

Look at all the polls and you will find that conservatives don’t think they are responsible for anything in society beyond their family and their friends. Scratch even deeper into a republican conservative and you will find a mangled version of the soul of Margaret Thatcher, who didn’t believe that society even matters at all, and that all that matters is the individual and the family.

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