Friday, April 02, 2010

Scalia Health Care Bet: Justice Must Buy Dinner For Zeke Emanuel

Justice Scalia Bets And Loses

On Jan. 22 -- just 3 days after the Massachusetts disaster -- we were at a fundraiser for Amherst College and we bet a dinner whether health care reform would pass. (Truth be told, initially he was reluctant to bet dinner, $5 was his limit, but after I caught him in a contradiction he agreed to dinner.) I guess that demonstrates either my stupidity or the firmness of my conviction and faith in the team. So health care reform will get me the enjoyment of having Justice Scalia take me out to the restaurant of my choice and have to pay -- leading option is Komi. And I will be sure the meal violates every single recommendation for a healthy diet except excellent red wine!!! Thank you all for making my dinner possible!!!

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