Saturday, May 29, 2010

Where to pee?

Phillippe Cousteau To Bill Maher: Even Before Oil Spill, The Oceans Couldn't Take Any More (VIDEO): "'I could cut my leg off, I could cut my arm off, I could gouge my eye out, I'd still probably survive, but not very well,' Cousteau said. 'And that's what we're doing to our oceans.'"...

..."The Florida Keys, third longest barrier reef in the world, is a dead zone. Ninety percent of the big fish, the tuna, the sharks, and other things, are already gone in the oceans. There's a dead zone in the Gulf Of Mexico every summer the size of New Jersey, where there's not enough oxygen for things to live. So it's not a question of 'Can the oceans take any more?' The oceans can't take any more. They couldn't take any more fifty years ago. The question is, when are we going to stop?

Cousteau called "bullshit" on claims that the ocean is so vast that it can absorb our pollution and abuse."

Which is the peeing end of the pool?

Nobody can answer that one.

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