Americans Buy IPads While Broke in New Abnormal Economy - Bloomberg: "the iPad is positioned as a compromise product for people who crave the kick of a new Apple gadget and don’t want to spring for a Mac."
That doesn't make sense. I don't think people who buy an iPad would rather have a Mac.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Gloom, Muted Optimism, and Wild Abandon
Americans Buy IPads While Broke in New Abnormal Economy:"'A new normal,' a global realignment in which the U.S. consumer, no longer a hungry monster, became cautious and subdued."
Bell Salary Scandal: Outrage Remains Despite Council Vote To Cut Pay

I don't care about Rizzo or Blutto or any of those Numpties, but what I really don't care for is ugly threats, low blows and callous payback
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Michael Hastings: McChrystal Allies 'Lying' About Interview Ground Rules

The reporters who cover their behinds, and report the official version of events are the ones who endanger members of the military, not those of Hastings' caliber. Those who don't report the truth encourage the public to accept and extend war - putting more men and women in danger. Reporters like Hastings save lives. Considering what's at stake, it's a sin to not know that.
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Michael Hastings: McChrystal Allies 'Lying' About Interview Ground Rules

So far I think Hastings is the professional I've been looking for. I will read his reports.
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Naomi Watts For Ann Taylor: Too Airbrushed? (PHOTOS, VIDEO, POLL)

Wow, it can't be said any better than that.
I suppose there may be better examples, but the Direct TV commercial with her and King Kong takes my breath away. Nobody is that exquisitely beautiful - yet there she is.
About Airbrushing
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Anonymous internet posting could be wiped out
The most prolific writer of all time; the one who - more than anyone else - keeps human civilization a safe harbor for free souls, is anonymous. Never abandon these people, or you will have surrendered your individual humanity.
Iowa GOP Embraces Plan To Strip Obama's Citizenship For Accepting Nobel Prize [UPDATE]

In Arizona they're gonna make you carry papers if you're Hispanic. In Iowa they need to tattoo conservatives on the forehead with this thirteenther nonsense so the rest of us can see these boorish folks coming from a distance. I think we've got a right to keep impressionable children out of earshot of wackos - but maybe not in Iowa...
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Thursday, July 29, 2010
Anne Rice: 'I Quit Being A Christian'

I'm sorry, but in the boring department, vampires eat angels. In my world a blueish-skinned valleyboy has never ever gotten laid.
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Anne Rice: 'I Quit Being A Christian'

Somebody mentioned your smugness, but seeing as how you disagree with God's creation of homosexuals, I'd worry more about your own fate.
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Erin Burnett: 'Everyone's Talking About' How We Should Extend Bush Tax Cuts To Wealthiest Americans

I totally agree. It amazes me that there is any disagreement on this point - yet there is, and it's rampant.
I like Erin because she's got good business news reporting smarts, but evidently Sinclair Lewis had her pegged when he said, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
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Shirley Sherrod To Sue Andrew Breitbart

The one right next to Masada. We never win, either, but we never go away, so go figure.
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GOP Filibusters Small Business Bill After Criticizing Dems For Delay

Yes, sir!
I tried to vote last time but I was too intimidated by Black Panthers at the polls... no wait, they were lifeguards at the club's pool... never mind.
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GOP Filibusters Small Business Bill After Criticizing Dems For Delay

They don't care if they look like the worst wart on the ugliest face of the deadliest beast, just as long as they can gain control of America and continue the raping of the planet for money.
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Shirley Sherrod To Sue Andrew Breitbart

A Breitbart is a type - they're at every university; at those certain clubs, drunkesque at every bar in the best marinas - everywhere trust funds congregate; as ubiquitous as a runny nose. His arrogance should be takedown-numero-uno for everyone who hates an alpha wuss.
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Patton Oswalt | ...BUT I WON''T BE DEFEATED BY FASCINATION: "And by the way, I don’t think Sarah’s stupid. Like Rush and Coulter and George F. Will, she’s learned to say the things stupid people want to hear, and talk in a way that comforts them."
Iowa GOP Embraces Plan To Strip Obama's Citizenship For Accepting Nobel Prize

The GOP is dropping brain cells like rabbit pellets. Who knows what they'll cough up next, so it's time to face the fact that the second amendment is for weenies. I'm in California and I've got a border with Arizona, so I'm gonna need an airforce, and anti-cracker missiles - and I'm putting all my money in khaki futures.
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World's 15 Best Places To Die: Quality Of Death Index (PHOTOS)

If your GOP you're not allowed to believe that Britain tops the list - Britain has socialist medicine; how could it be good at anything?
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100 million Facebook users' details published online - Technology & science - Security -
100 million Facebook users' details published online - Technology & science - Security - "if any searchable user has friends that are non-searchable, those friends just opted into being searched, like it or not! Oops"
'Lost' Ansel Adams Photographs Found, Worth $200 Million

Do you really mean Kostobi - or do you mean Kostabi, as he would seem to be harder to appreciate, if it could be done at all.
The art world did evolve to shallowness, and the belief in art as a source of truth starved as truth lost its value - to be replaced by ephemeral facts, money and electronic stuff.
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Left-Sided Cancer--Should You Blame Your Bed and TV?

Egad, we're not going to die in bed - we're going to be killed by it!
Every time mankind builds a Titanic, nature builds an iceberg. We gotta stay on top of this stuff, because man and his science is just as dangerous as God and his wars.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Deficit-cutting ax may fall on Social Security
Deficit-cutting ax may fall on Social Security - Yahoo! News: "Merely making all income subject to the payroll tax would cure the problem, says Mr. Baker."
..."Her fear is that President Obama's bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform will recommend cuts in Social Security benefits as one means to reduce the burgeoning federal budget deficit. If 14 of 18 commissioners agree on a deficit-cutting plan, it could be passed at a lame-duck session of Congress without the extensive hearings and discussions that normally precede such an important measure."
..."Her fear is that President Obama's bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform will recommend cuts in Social Security benefits as one means to reduce the burgeoning federal budget deficit. If 14 of 18 commissioners agree on a deficit-cutting plan, it could be passed at a lame-duck session of Congress without the extensive hearings and discussions that normally precede such an important measure."
Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' Rally Claims To Be Non-Political But Will Headline Palin And NRA (PHOTO)

History shows that the followers of sick leaders are always disadvantaged by the nonsense of their beliefs and assumptions. The strategy to combat this comes from the fact that when they are separated from their sources of inspiration, their irrationality will factionalize into impotency - despite their guns. But until it's over, all Americans will be in danger.
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My Trip To Southeast Asia, and How It Influenced The Spice Market Menu

...sorry, I meant that the first photo, of Lotus Leaf Fried Chicken, looked as delicious as anything I've ever seen.
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'Lost' Ansel Adams Photographs Found, Worth $200 Million

So few comments about the work itself. Its value flows from that, and all the drooling over the money amounts shows the shallow world of American culture in this new century. Art is frightening to those who have been made fearful. Monetize it, own it, bury it in a vault - before it can hurt you.
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Did You Miss It? Watch The LIVE Video Event With Tony Robbins And HuffPost's Willow Bay (VIDEOS) thought too. I feel as if someone is starting the process of getting their hand in my pocket.
I admire the idea of looking for a technique for being fully empowered, but all I'm seeing is a recasting of "Cash Raiser 2000!"
About The Inner Life
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dodd Nixes Elizabeth Warren Recess Appointment Option

How embarrassing. This IS "an emergency pending", Chris. Lots of Americans are over the edge and hurting like hell on earth. We need the right people in place as soon as possible. This isn't an academic debate, so get on the right side and help.
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Bell Salary Scandal: Outrage Remains Despite Council Vote To Cut Pay

That's a powerful threat, pal. Taking away a pension is one of the most severe things you can do to a person. It will probably devastate them, and their families. Those who want to hurt others like that are on the wrong path, and decent people should chased them out of town like rodents.
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Oliver Stone: 'Jewish Domination Of The Media' Propagates Holocaust Myths

The General Butler story is fascinating - thanks for mentioning it. And that was 1934; imagine all the malfeasance that could be cooked up in 2010 by some idiot children of billionaires, living off the dynasty trusts, and financing the bizarre plots of con men that have captured their imagination.
Sounds like a great movie, but a bad future.
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Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close to Having a Body Count

All I'm hearing is criminal insanity coming from these dangerous right-wing thugs. Like more and more citizens in the center and on the left, I see where this is all headed, and I have diminishing hope that it will be stopped before there really is a body count.
Anyone that doesn't recognize what is happening in this country, is either keeping it to themselves or lying to themselves.
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Eric Boehlert: Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close To Having A Body Count: "Just listen to Glenn Beck:"
"Just listen to Glenn Beck:
* Progressives 'are sucking the blood out of the republic' and are 'gonna start getting more and more violent.'
* 'To the day I die, I am going to be a progressive hunter.'
* '[Y]ou will have to shoot me in the forehead before you take away my gun' and 'before I acquiesce and be silent.'
* 'This game is for keeps'; '[Y]ou can shoot me in the head ... but there will be 10 others that line up.'
* 'There is a coup going on. There is a stealing of America'; 'God help us in an emergency.''
And don't forget about the unhinged response when health care reform was passed in March: 'Get down on your knees and pray. Pray. It's September 11th all over again, except that we didn't have the collapsing buildings.' After financial reform passed last week, Beck told his audience, 'Your republic is over.'
Meanwhile, Andrew Breitbart's website recently tagged Obama as the 'suicide-bomber-in-chief,' while the conservativeWashington Times just last week published an op-ed -- by a former congressman, no less -- asserting the president poses more of a threat to America than Al Qaeda.
Note that the radicial right's media rhetoric is no longer even political in a partisan sense. Instead, it's purely revolutionary. It isn't, 'We think taxes should be lower' or 'Obama should be more hawkish overseas.' It's, 'There's an insidious and deadly plot afoot by Democrats and progressives to strip Americans of their freedom and this country of its greatness.' Obama is now theincarnation of evil (the Antichrist?), and his driving hatred for America, as well as for democracy, runs so deep that he ran for president in order to destroy the United States from inside the Oval Office.
Rush Limbaugh: 'Our country is being overthrown from within.'"
"Just listen to Glenn Beck:
* Progressives 'are sucking the blood out of the republic' and are 'gonna start getting more and more violent.'
* 'To the day I die, I am going to be a progressive hunter.'
* '[Y]ou will have to shoot me in the forehead before you take away my gun' and 'before I acquiesce and be silent.'
* 'This game is for keeps'; '[Y]ou can shoot me in the head ... but there will be 10 others that line up.'
* 'There is a coup going on. There is a stealing of America'; 'God help us in an emergency.''
And don't forget about the unhinged response when health care reform was passed in March: 'Get down on your knees and pray. Pray. It's September 11th all over again, except that we didn't have the collapsing buildings.' After financial reform passed last week, Beck told his audience, 'Your republic is over.'
Meanwhile, Andrew Breitbart's website recently tagged Obama as the 'suicide-bomber-in-chief,' while the conservativeWashington Times just last week published an op-ed -- by a former congressman, no less -- asserting the president poses more of a threat to America than Al Qaeda.
Note that the radicial right's media rhetoric is no longer even political in a partisan sense. Instead, it's purely revolutionary. It isn't, 'We think taxes should be lower' or 'Obama should be more hawkish overseas.' It's, 'There's an insidious and deadly plot afoot by Democrats and progressives to strip Americans of their freedom and this country of its greatness.' Obama is now theincarnation of evil (the Antichrist?), and his driving hatred for America, as well as for democracy, runs so deep that he ran for president in order to destroy the United States from inside the Oval Office.
Rush Limbaugh: 'Our country is being overthrown from within.'"
'Do Not Vote For My Dad': John Mantooth Daughter Jan Schill Campaigns AGAINST Oklahoma Judicial Bid

I bet there's a caravan of Freud fanboys on their way to Oklahoma City right now - this is the kind of genetic wonderland that could make a psychologist's day.
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Monday, July 26, 2010
iPhone 'Jailbreaking' Legal Under New Government Rules

Shiddy phone with stupid bugs, for heaven's sake
blow the lock and let 'em squawk, their just a fake.
Steve will look all stony as he makes this tweet,
"All you little people you can kiss my feet"
Such a crock. You're all fanboys of schlock
Every minute there's a call we block
You get bumpers, we get Apple stock.
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Scarlett Johansson's Haircut Debuts At Comic-Con: 'Do Or Don't? (PHOTOS, POLL)

With the shorter hair she looks gorgeous; but with the longer hair she looks gorgeous. It's like some sort of law of physics - if it's Scarlett Johansson, it's always gorgeous.
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Who does not like a free lunch?
Charlatans and cranks. The political genius of supply-side economics - Martin Wolf's: "some “conservatives” (in truth, extreme radicals) think a federal default would be an effective way to bring public spending they detest under control. It should be noted, in passing, that a federal default would surely create the biggest financial crisis in world economic history."...
"... Supply-side economics liberated conservatives from any need to insist on fiscal rectitude and balanced budgets. Supply-side economics said that one could cut taxes and balance budgets, because incentive effects would generate new activity and so higher revenue.
The political genius of this idea is evident. Supply-side economics transformed Republicans from a minority party into a majority party. It allowed them to promise lower taxes, lower deficits and, in effect, unchanged spending. Why should people not like this combination? Who does not like a free lunch?"...
" are, in the US, the only safety net for those of working age."
"... Supply-side economics liberated conservatives from any need to insist on fiscal rectitude and balanced budgets. Supply-side economics said that one could cut taxes and balance budgets, because incentive effects would generate new activity and so higher revenue.
The political genius of this idea is evident. Supply-side economics transformed Republicans from a minority party into a majority party. It allowed them to promise lower taxes, lower deficits and, in effect, unchanged spending. Why should people not like this combination? Who does not like a free lunch?"...
" are, in the US, the only safety net for those of working age."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Back to Ground Zero - Around Town, Entertainment -
Back to Ground Zero - Around Town, Entertainment - "'You gotta make friends with death,' he repeats, earnestly. 'And you just have to let things go. Because if you don't, then your life really is sh*t.'"
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Big German disaster at Love Parade
Here's some fun facts: Manson was a hard core fascist rightie who hated liberals for rejecting him and his music. His whole purpose for the Manson Family murders was to panic whites and foment a race war - that's what Helter Skelter is all about.
Republicans Threaten Repeals, Subpoenas If They Take Back The House

How could the country not be in chaos in a scenario where Boehner and Bachmann have the power they want? Nobody on the right has a clue as to how to create a better jobs market. They would rather let natural selection weed out those who didn't make it to safety. Or, as rightie scribbler Peggy Noonan would say, "just walk on by."
If I ever vote for a GOP candidate, somebody should pull my drapes and shut off my air.
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Unlike Rangel, Other Democrats Not 'Looking Forward' To Ethics-Charge Fight

Stop it, Charlie. Don't put yourself over your constituents and your party. You will bring down the party in November if you try to twist your way out of this. Anyone can see that your resistance is futile. It's already looking quite tawdry, and you should know what happens next.
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Is Mirror App's Lyudmila Bouzinova 'Pornographic' Or 'Obscene'?

hmmm.. that must be why I've started seeing clusters of Bay Area geeks and fanboys with their butts in the air, mumbling code into an App, facing Cupertino.
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Marco Rubio Aims To Fundraise Off War Of Words With Rachel Maddow (VIDEO)

Maybe he's got a good plan, but I don't think so. I think he's gonna end up wearing an asshat and a stupid grin... just wait and see.
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Jessi Slaughter On Good Morning America (VIDEO): Tween's Violent Online Rant Spurs Death Threats

If it were me, I would have called the best authority - principal, police, ISP...
I was just saying that the internet is a needed tool for life today, and as such I wouldn't give it up to avoid a bully any more than I would give up my phone because of a crank caller. I won't let them win. I didn't say anything about stooping to a bully's level. I think otherwise we're on the same page...
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Disappearing Middle Class: Bilingual Ph.D. Accepts Rent Money From Church

Well said.
The idea of "middle-class" is just that, an idea. It reminds me of people waiting for the "Great American Novel" that was supposed to be gestating back in the post-war era. People assumed that it could exist, without even knowing the definition of the thing. Someone was supposed to write it, and surely they would - but they never did, because it was only an idea; it never came into existence, like the "middle-class"
About The Recession
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Jessi Slaughter On Good Morning America (VIDEO): Tween's Violent Online Rant Spurs Death Threats

...but that's like never answering your phone to avoid crank calls, or l leaving the neighborhood to avoid a creep - running away from the scene of your life because someone wants you to? That can't be right.
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Savannah Guthrie Praised: NBC News President 'Constantly Blown Away' By Her

You know so much... except perhaps that your interpretation of others is also an exaggeration.
Sorry about this whole men thing getting you so bunched... we meant to go to the other planet, but we didn't ask directions, so...
About NBC
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Facebook Lawyer 'Unsure' Zuckerberg Signed Contract Promising 84% Stake

Well, I can always agree to disagree. Just send me the agreement and I'll put my notarized signature on line 2. :)
About Facebook
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Obama Blames Media For His Administration's Firing Of Shirley Sherrod

No, they are taking responsibility for their bad decision. But the actions of the right - Breitbart, FOX, Newt, et al, are clearly malicious and are the heart of this story. But trying to provide a factual account of reality is no longer the real business of the national news organizations. The media's need to stick it to Obama trumps doing the right thing.
About Barack Obama
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Dylan Ratigan Smacks Down J.P. Freire For Interrupting: 'Be Quiet When Somebody Else Is Speaking'

When they run congress, they will begin selling you down the river. Bet on it.
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Andrew Brietbart Declares Himself Democrats' 'Public Enemy No. 1'

See this man for what he is; a political predator who intends to cause harm to those who stand in the way of the un-winding of the social bond between government and citizen. Fight without quarter is necessary if the good is to prevail against the right-wing threat he and his fellow destroyers pose to this country.
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Obama Blames Media For His Administration's Firing Of Shirley Sherrod

It is the media that is now the main story. The failure to confront Breitbart bating is sickening. The rush to find a wedge against the administration is palpable. Total media fail.
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tom Cruise & Cameron Diaz In London: How Is He So Tall? (PHOTOS)

Nope, he IS a Thetan, which is a Thespian after you remove half its money.
About Tom Cruise
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The Real King Of Pop: Andy Warhol's Last Decade At Brooklyn Museum

Imagine an era where there is so much going - so much great creation, that embracing and celebrating those things by imitation is what wells up from within the artists of the age.
In my view, recognizing the greatness around you is also a god.
About Brooklyn
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White House Apologizes To Shirley Sherrod

No more calls, please, we have a winner !!
This is the most repulsive media fail in a long time; a complete breakdown of a profession charged with a vital public service. Here we have the right-wing mud-master, Andrew Breitbart, perpetrator of a vicious smear, virtually ignored while the media goes for the political porn of embarrassing the Obama administration.
Look around; there is not a major network news operation - cable or otherwise - that is not morally aimless.
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Savannah Guthrie Praised: NBC News President 'Constantly Blown Away' By Her

There are a lot of talented women. But hucksters want the prettiest in order to hawk their wares. It's not the fault of pretty people, it's just a fact. Please review the Seinfeld episode where Elaine discovers that big-breasted women are good for business.
About NBC
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Facebook Lawyer 'Unsure' Zuckerberg Signed Contract Promising 84% Stake

No friend here on that point. Instead of community of good minds, your world would be a troop of bypeds with good aim. Sliding down the food chain gives me butt burn...
About Facebook
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The Real King Of Pop: Andy Warhol's Last Decade At Brooklyn Museum

Nobody needs to defend Andy Warhol. People will never speak of the 20th century art world without acknowledging his influential presence. Try as one might to bend history, it is not an opinion that Warhol's world existed; it is just a fact Might as well argue with the wind.
It seems to bother you that art actually exists and is committed by human beings every minute, whether you experience it or not. Too bad.
About Brooklyn
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Kent Conrad, Senate Budget Chairman, Wants To Extend Bush Tax Cuts Without Paying For Them

This guy is not in the democrat party that I'm a part of. The dems I support are not going to give the rich another tax cut. The way you know this is because they wouldn't be a dem if they did. If the democrat party can't pull this one out of the fire, then what good is it?”
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Shirley Sherrod Says She'd Love To Talk Race With President Obama

What is the media talking about? This story is about right-wing warfare. The focus on the White House is outrageous; and It is the media at its lowest, gutter level - and not just FOX, but all of them.
The criminal trickery to make a lie appear as truth belongs to Breitbart and the GOP and the usual rightie thug suspects. And they are getting away with it because the media is failing miserably and can barely pronounce professionalism, much less practice it.
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The Real King Of Pop: Andy Warhol's Last Decade At Brooklyn Museum

Enjoy your vacuum.
Nobody gives a damn anymore, but the world of 20th century artists was the focus of the attentions of entire generations. Art was different then. The living evolution of those who were artists themselves was a component of art and we saw the nature of the human species itself in the mix of their lves and their work.
Today is different; we have fiber and cryptic texting and dishonest photography - and entire generations that don't know there is an art world possible.
About Brooklyn
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