Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Eric Boehlert: Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close To Having A Body Count: "Just listen to Glenn Beck:"

"Just listen to Glenn Beck:

* Progressives 'are sucking the blood out of the republic' and are 'gonna start getting more and more violent.'

* 'To the day I die, I am going to be a progressive hunter.'

* '[Y]ou will have to shoot me in the forehead before you take away my gun' and 'before I acquiesce and be silent.'

* 'This game is for keeps'; '[Y]ou can shoot me in the head ... but there will be 10 others that line up.'

* 'There is a coup going on. There is a stealing of America'; 'God help us in an emergency.''

And don't forget about the unhinged response when health care reform was passed in March: 'Get down on your knees and pray. Pray. It's September 11th all over again, except that we didn't have the collapsing buildings.' After financial reform passed last week, Beck told his audience, 'Your republic is over.'

Meanwhile, Andrew Breitbart's website recently tagged Obama as the 'suicide-bomber-in-chief,' while the conservativeWashington Times just last week published an op-ed -- by a former congressman, no less -- asserting the president poses more of a threat to America than Al Qaeda.

Note that the radicial right's media rhetoric is no longer even political in a partisan sense. Instead, it's purely revolutionary. It isn't, 'We think taxes should be lower' or 'Obama should be more hawkish overseas.' It's, 'There's an insidious and deadly plot afoot by Democrats and progressives to strip Americans of their freedom and this country of its greatness.' Obama is now theincarnation of evil (the Antichrist?), and his driving hatred for America, as well as for democracy, runs so deep that he ran for president in order to destroy the United States from inside the Oval Office.

Rush Limbaugh: 'Our country is being overthrown from within.'"

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