Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: 'I Actually Support Gay Marriage,' President Obama 'Incredibly Cool Guy'

Elisabeth Hasselbeck: 'I Actually Support Gay Marriage,' President Obama 'Incredibly Cool Guy': "'I think I'm still decompressing from the [experience],' she said. 'I was really thankful to have the ability to sit there with our president, to be able to ask him face-to-face a question that I thought so many people have on their minds and [in their] hearts.... The president is an incredibly cool guy. We were able to go backstage with him [after the show] in our Green Room and talk about how everything seemed pretty orderly with him there and how comfortable everyone was. And there was definitely a moment - I mean, he and I looked at each other, and I remember him answering my question and I could see the intensity in his eyes. He wasn't just answering me, he was sending through me a message to the American people that felt special.'"

Feels good to me...

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