Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kill Social Security for the Next Generation

Joe Miller On The Issues: What He Has To Say About Guns, Hate Crimes, Social Security And Abortion: "Miller says that 'ultimately, we've got to transition out' Social Security.

In an interview with ABC News last month, the Republican hopeful made his case for why the entitlement program should be cut and suggested 'it's not that radical of an idea.'

'I think it's absolutely critical that the government keep its contract with the seniors that are currently dependent on Social Security,' explained the candidate from Alaska. 'The first, I think, bit of order that we've got to get in place is financial solvency. But yeah -- ultimately, we've got to transition out of the Social Security arrangement and go into more of a privatization.'

Miller added, 'It's a system that is broken, and so there does have to be change, there has to be transition. But for now, those that are dependent on it -- we've got to keep those obligations and commitments.'"

Love this guy.

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