Sunday, October 31, 2010
Selling oregano as weed
It's Morning In 'Griftopia': "they said the reason everybody got a mortgage is because the government was forcing banks to lend to people. That wasn't the real explanation. The real explanation was that the banks had figured out a way to take these subprime mortgages, chop them up into little bits, and then repackage them as AAA-rated investments and sell them to people who didn't know what they were. It's basically like selling oregano as weed. What's the first thing you do when you find out you can get away with that? You go out and buy or grow more oregano." - Author Matt Taibbi
Paul Reubens: I'm Not Pee-Wee, I'm A Different Person: "'The whole thing has been just a gut feeling from the beginning. That's all it ever is and I think always ever be. Much as people want me to dissect it and explain it, I can't. One, I don't know, and two, I don't want to know, and three, I feel like I'll hex myself if I know.'"
Christianity is in the Constitution, say Christians
Ancient Photo of Christ Found On Back of U. S. Constitution: "George Mason, actually proposed the following wording for the First Amendment, which demonstrates the context of their wording:
[A]ll men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that no particular sect or society of Christians ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others (as quoted in Rowland, 1892, 1:244, emp. added).
By “prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” the Framers intended to convey that the federal government was not to interfere with the free and public practice of the Christian religion—the very thing that the courts have been doing since the 1960s."
Okay. Let's try to think why Mason's words weren't, in fact, used in the final, actual Constitution.
Yeah, me too. Mason's rule would, and should, apply to any sect or society of any religious nature; so the qualifier was unnecessary and ill-advised - and revealing of finite boundaries of wisdom.
[A]ll men have an equal, natural and unalienable right to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that no particular sect or society of Christians ought to be favored or established by law in preference to others (as quoted in Rowland, 1892, 1:244, emp. added).
By “prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” the Framers intended to convey that the federal government was not to interfere with the free and public practice of the Christian religion—the very thing that the courts have been doing since the 1960s."
Okay. Let's try to think why Mason's words weren't, in fact, used in the final, actual Constitution.
Yeah, me too. Mason's rule would, and should, apply to any sect or society of any religious nature; so the qualifier was unnecessary and ill-advised - and revealing of finite boundaries of wisdom.
Facebook Blocks Moms Due To Excessive Message Posting

Wish I knew who she is - that mugging sour-face of hers is terrific! I've seen that photo a number of times, but I just can't dial it in. ??
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Life Expectancy Going Down in the United States
In the 1980s ketchup became a vegetable in Reagan's 'On Your Own America', creating a fork in the road, with the choice of an alternative ethical behavior: In too many parts of the United States, "medicine has not improved the average life expectancy — and in fact, the average lifespan has been going steadily downward since the 1980s."
Where the GOP generally holds sway, and as a result of their erroneous belief that life expectancy is increasing all across America, increasing the age to begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits will actually cut those benefits for citizens in the "red" areas - it really amounts to being 'cheated' - as compared to other citizens.
Actually, Reagan's first choice for a new national slogan was, 'Hey, They're Not My Kids', in honor of Frank Capra's character, good ole Mister Potter. Reagan loved his Hollwywood cronies - even more than reality.
Where the GOP generally holds sway, and as a result of their erroneous belief that life expectancy is increasing all across America, increasing the age to begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits will actually cut those benefits for citizens in the "red" areas - it really amounts to being 'cheated' - as compared to other citizens.
Actually, Reagan's first choice for a new national slogan was, 'Hey, They're Not My Kids', in honor of Frank Capra's character, good ole Mister Potter. Reagan loved his Hollwywood cronies - even more than reality.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
David Shuster: I'm Not Returning To MSNBC [UPDATE: Shuster Denies Report]

Ain't it the truth !! There's hardly a better sound in nature than back-talk to the man - it's in all the Bibles; it's on the Pyramids, the walls of Rome, the tombs of millions, and in the heart of all free people.
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ABC Taps Andrew Breitbart For Election Night Analysis

Someone at ABC is way out of their league - or deeply in league - to even smile in the direction of Andrew Breitbart. It's truly amazing the amount of detritus he is willing to step in, muse on, and eat - all in order to insure the continuing stream of facetime needed to stave off - as long as possible - the depression, instability and obscurity of the overblown celebrity.
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Danroy Henry Memorial: Thousands Mourn Football Phenom Killed By Police

No, those are your words, though I've heard them before.
Listen, there are a lot of cops talking about the issue as I described it - I know some - and guns everywhere is a force that is battering our society. In some jurisdictions it is mandatory for police to make you lie face-down on the ground, and be handcuffed; even for things like delivering certain subpoenas, or failure to appear on a misdemeanor warrant - women, grandmothers , old coots, young men... everyone. Why is this happening more and more, and why in the world don't you get it?
Your thinking doesn't resonate with me, so don't say anything - lets go back inside and drink.
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Verizon iPhone Release Confirmed, Fortune Reports: Inside The Verizon-Apple Deal

I'd like an iPhone, but I don't have one because I don't want AT&T issues - I've been to hell with AT&T in the past, and I can tell you that they're well-known in that crowd. is it too much to ask for the excuses to stop and for somenbody to get on the stick and make this Verizon deal happen. Geesh!!
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Danroy Henry Memorial: Thousands Mourn Football Phenom Killed By Police

No. Thanks for asking...
The reason this is an issue of "guns" is precisely what I referred to - the cops know that more and more people have guns - the whole country knows this is a fact! Now, far more than in the past, the police have to approach citizens as potential threats. It's not that the police are firing first - it's that they're often convinced that they are firing preemptively.
We are now in a gun culture, and if you think it comes free, you're delusional.
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Voter Intimidation At McDonald's: Employees Told That, Unless Republicans Win, They Won't Get Raises Or Benefits

The little people on the Supreme Court set it up; now every corporation is a political entity, and now we must choose stores based on their political stance. Why??? Because only a fool gives money to those working against them.
Happy to add them to my embryonic, growing list:
Home Depot
It's a brave new world thanks to those robed idiots.
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Howard Fineman: Kentucky Head-Stomping A Symptom Of Overwhelmingly Negative Political Climate (VIDEO)
It's a truly disgusting practice, and it stops now. I am totally done listening to Fineman and the many other "professionals" who add "both sides do it" to almost every one of their observations on todays political cesspool. They need to stop, because their statements are bankrupt, they are insulting, and they are wrong. And they'd better forget about crawling back after making those kinds of assaultive comments - their credibility exists in memory only.
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Lauren Valle, Head-Stomped MoveOn Activist, Responds To Stomper's Request For Apology

Her words - and the thoughts within those words, are wonderful. Makes me proud to be a progressive, but also unsettled to be reminded that we are all "viciously and vociferously feeding a fire that will only burn us down together."
Her words - I'll stand behind them too.
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Danroy Henry Memorial: Thousands Mourn Football Phenom Killed By Police

This story is heartbreaking. Our country is awash in guns and the police reaction to all these guns. Americans are confused and vibrating with fear - put there by gun promoters in and around the NRA and red-state lackeys spread out all over the country. It is an outrage, and here's this young man - dead. And tomorrow there will be another kid, dead, and then what? ...answers itself doesn't it? It ain't gonna stop until we put our hands on the controls and say 'stop it'.
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Danroy Henry Memorial a Requiem for a Young Life Lost -- NCAAFB FanHouse
Danroy Henry Memorial a Requiem for a Young Life Lost -- NCAAFB FanHouse: "'No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.'"
"Bill O'Reilly, the commentator on the Fox News Channel, summed up his report on the case Tuesday night by saying, 'Let's assume that the kid did do something crazy.'"
No, let's assume that O'Reilly is a phone pervert; a disgusting, masturbating sexual harrassment veteran, practising his furious handiwork in the offices of Fox News, directed at female employees.
"Bill O'Reilly, the commentator on the Fox News Channel, summed up his report on the case Tuesday night by saying, 'Let's assume that the kid did do something crazy.'"
No, let's assume that O'Reilly is a phone pervert; a disgusting, masturbating sexual harrassment veteran, practising his furious handiwork in the offices of Fox News, directed at female employees.
ABC Taps Andrew Breitbart For Election Night Analysis

In an election season that is hard to predict, I can easily predict that this year I won't be watching ABC news for election coverage.
Breitbart is the low ball of low balls, and any broadcaster is nuts to go anywhere near him... unless of course they're trying to purge their viewership of that pesky progressive crowd of product buyers that used to delight advertisers. Yeah, ABC should go with the Tea Party and sell lots of junk food and ammo.
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Friday, October 29, 2010
Tancredo: Barack Obama Is A Greater Threat To The U.S. Than Al Qaeda

A spider could get elected this November - Americans are flailing away at stupidity with the kind of blind faith that brings moths to the flame.
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Clint McCance, Arkansas School Board Member, Resigns On 'Anderson Cooper 360' (VIDEO)

Now don't go running out into traffic. You made good points.
About CNN
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'Fox & Friends' Lies About Chicago Ballots For Soldiers, Inmates (VIDEO

The trouble, as always, is with Doocy - the man is a mental puff ball blowing around the GOP stage, ready to say anything untrue, for the cause. Somebody should do him as a performance piece - something like 'Doofus Does Fox' or...
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Clint McCance, Arkansas School Board Member, Resigns On 'Anderson Cooper 360' (VIDEO)

Good comments. Progress is tough when you have to change to a new social understanding - especially when it means denying your loved ones the full measure of respect you once had for their world view.
It's like planting trees - the best time to do it is 15 years ago. Same with ethics; best to have found it shining into your crib; then when you're an adult you will be as morally strong as an oak.
About CNN
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Meg Whitman Says Former Housekeeper Nicky Diaz Santillan Should Be Deported

Now you just stay there, 'ya hear. Our good luck, you fools, is to not be a Texan - plus, we've already got every orifice we need.
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Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO)

Joe is such a bully - and when he loses control I always sense the ethics of goons, two-by-fours and barricaded factory gates. Fun though his show can be, I never for a moment forget where I am and that a dark message rides in on Joe's bright, convivial smile.
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Obama On 'Daily Show': Stewart Presses President To Defend 'Timid' Policies, Hiring Of Old D.C. Hands (VIDEO)

...oh yeah, we hear you; but it's just the same well-known GOP PC lunatic chatter, so we just let it ooze on by... But, when we hear the jackboots we'll come out and respond more directly, like we did last century.
About Barack Obama
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Thursday, October 28, 2010
Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO)
Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO): "'I am not going to let you finish,' Scarborough shot back. 'I have got to give you facts and then you can respond to facts.'
A round of high-decibel crosstalk followed, as vanden Heuvel kept trying to make her point, and Scarborough kept trying to cut her off, pointing his finger at her and saying, 'listen to numbers! Just stop and listen to facts.'"
A round of high-decibel crosstalk followed, as vanden Heuvel kept trying to make her point, and Scarborough kept trying to cut her off, pointing his finger at her and saying, 'listen to numbers! Just stop and listen to facts.'"
Apple's 'Back To The Mac' Event In Just 104 Seconds (VIDEO): Apple's Incredible, Stunning, Really, Really Cool Message
I need a fix - run that Steve Balmer psychotic stage pacing video that looks like a heart-attack double-down - it's like he's screaming "buy Windows or I'll start galloping and explode!."
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Novels In Three Lines: They're Pessimistic And French (PHOTOS)

Love this guy. Feneon came to my mind when blogging first hit the world years ago - but Feneon even more amazingly anticipates Twitter by a century. If here today he would no doubt have passed out with glee while googling something - everything!, or crashed often while texting, or been regularly arrested for "not being able to sit still."
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Joanna Neborsky: Novels In Three Lines: They're Pessimistic And French (PHOTOS)
Joanna Neborsky: Novels In Three Lines: They're Pessimistic And French (PHOTOS): "Georges Lamarre fenced against a lamppost and lost."
<em>Marie Claire</em> Stands By 'Should Fatties Get A Room?' Blog Post By Maura Kelly

Forget Kelly; she sank on her own - but the 'Marie Claire' editor, Joanna Coles, is the real piece of work, summing up her mind-set on the topic with this word-pile: "She was an anorexic herself and this is a subject she feels very strongly about." What subject - anorexia? That wasn't the subject of the rant. The subject of the rant turns out to be the professional anemia of Coles, Kelley, and 'Marie Claire'.
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Christine O'Donnell Threatens To Sue Radio Station WDEL For Posting Interview

I protest in advance !! I know what I want to say about the Christine O'Donnells of the world, but I can't do so because all over the media there is a conspiracy to be 'nice' to the bad guys. An example of this insidious practice is that currently one cannot call a fascist a fascist - even if they are self-proclaimed - in much of the American media. Nobody is allowed to make any allusion to - or even mention the existence of - the enormous fascist explosion in the western world during the 1920s and 1930s that murdered any hope that Western Civilization was immune from the malicious insanity of its worst players.
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head (VIDEO) (UPDATED)

Hmmm... the story of this 'air ball' is all over the globe, so I don't think she blew anything. The reason it's a win-win for progs is that it links up in people's minds with other incidents, such as the right-wing "O'Keefe" shenanigans - which were far more devious and far closer to criminal action. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this story quite effectively crystallizes an image of potential violence and chaos, coming from an unhinged far right.
In any event, hope your politicians treat you fairly and I hope things get and stay prosperous in Michigan ! :)
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Al Reynolds, Tea Party Candidate For Illinois Senate, Says Black Men Prefer Drug Dealing To Education

...evidently not, and if that's all he has to say, then he knows about black men like Queen Elizabeth knows about working-class Caucasian brunettes - nada.
Bring a good game next time.
About Tea Party Movement
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Al Reynolds, Tea Party Candidate For Illinois Senate, Says Black Men Prefer Drug Dealing To Education

Thanks for being so clear about how you feel about other Americans. Please wear a brown shirt always so we can identify you quickly - in case there's an emergency and Americans need to aim quickly.
About Tea Party Movement
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Prop 19 Opponents Veer Off Into Paranoia

Ok, let's play the stupid GOP game: imagine you're a progressive and the person operating on your brain is a right-wing Sharron Angle Republican!
By the way, this just in: the Chamber of Commerce is officially soiling and tarnishing any decent intent it ever had, and any helpful connection it had to the American citizen is lost on most of us.
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Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head (VIDEO) (UPDATED)

Your "repulsive intent" is to show that this normal female citizen did something wrong. But far from it, her actions were totally within the well-known practices of political protesters - and her version was the even more benign and predictable college variety.
"Wrong on facts" - see above.
"Consult law" means we have the right to speech and assembly that covers every iota of her actions.
And, if you are being "stalked" its most likely by the 'inner you' that knows it's wrong for this creep to have shoved his foot onto her head.
But you already know all this, which means you are only wrong for the sake of political gain - to which I say, oh goody!
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Joel Klein Pushes For Controversial NY Teacher Ratings To Be Released

I cringe for our future when I hear teachers - as a class of citizen - being ground down to the dirt by the bloodthirsty anger of know-nothing citizens, and the hucksterism of political hacks.
I taught at a university for 9 years and enjoyed respect for good work and criticism for less - as it should be. But I can tell you that there are many male primary school teachers in this country that are too often insulted and treated as if they were potential perverts - for example, they can't be in a room with a young student without someone else present. Many good people turn their backs on teaching when they realize that they are considered 'suspect', and are treated rudely and disrespectfully?
As daily life increasingly confirms, Americans have fallen head-over-heals in love with blatant ignorance, and thrill to the heady rush of being loud and criminal. It's leading to a terrific payoff for our children's future. Way to go !!!
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Juan Williams: Fox News Lets 'Black Guy With A Hispanic Name' Host O'Reilly's Show

Juan can argue all he wants about the breadth of inclusion at Fox - so long as he recognizes that any sentient observer knows he is either a blithering idiot, or another blithering idiot.
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Tony Perkins: Gay Teens Resort To 'Depression Or Suicide' Because They Know They're 'Abnormal'

Pretty deranged, eh Perkins? Homosexuals suffer the abuse of people like Perkins, who treat them as if they were abnormal. He and his truly debased cohorts and followers on the unsane right have no coins left in their purse that are accepted by 'normal' people.
These distorted people know absolutely nothing of value to anyone. They need to pull their drapes and leave humanity alone to enjoy God's great creation.
But you're right - they won't....
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Rand Paul Supporter Tim Profitt Wants Stomping Victim To Apologize To HIM

Repulsive thinking by a repulsive Tea-GOP thug. I want his head for about 10 minutes, but I bet there's a long line for that. But it's an even bet that the Kentucky prosecutors will choose to do squat... and no more.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head (VIDEO) (UPDATED)

Geesh! As you know, your comment is repulsive in intent, and wrong on facts (see public record - consult law) - but some of us are eagerly awaiting an explanation that intelligently challenges that... are you gonna offer one? I doubt it, but who knows...
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Tim Profitt, Rand Paul Supporter, Admits To Confronting Woman At Debate

My most cynical of friends would say that there's gonna be big money in brown shirts - both cheap cotton and expensive jewel-encrusted versions. My most ethical of friends would argue that everything we do from here on out matters for the the fate of our souls. My most confounding of friends will simply find satisfaction with each day and its requirements. As for me, I am probably going to just stay pi$$ed until fascism, or me, is dead.
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Joy Behar: Sharron Angle A 'Bitch,' 'Going To Hell' (VIDEO)

read much? ...digging her a hell, not a grave. Of course you knew that's what I meant - but nice try though. ;-)
What Angle 'deserves' doesn't interest me; it's what citizens need that does, and unless there are sane people in politics, citizens get zilch - and worse. :)
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Joe Miller Shrugs Off Ethics Violation, Claims Murkowski Did Something Similar

Not gonna bother trying to comment, as I am totally positive that my thoughts about Joe Miller would get moderated to extinction - they're just not HuffPo ready. And it's a real shame because I am also totally positive that I am slam dunk on target.
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Joy Behar: Sharron Angle A 'Bitch,' 'Going To Hell' (VIDEO)

I suppose lots of people will say Joy is out of bounds here, but not me - not for a moment. I don't necessarily even believe in 'hell', but I am absophukinlootly 'shovel ready' to dig a real big one, just for her.
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Julian Assange To Larry King: 'You Should Be Ashamed' For Bringing Up My Personal Life (VIDEO)

I don't dislike Larry, but this King is not a monarch - he's a tabloid barker for the CNN carnival. He has to grab at low-hanging fruit no matter the context - it's a reflex, like yelling "ouch" when pinched. If on the Titanic, Larry would have asked the Captain why he was planning to retire after this voyage.
The only ethical rule being recognized in todays news business is that there are no rules.
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GOP Candidate Ken Buck: 'I Disagree Strongly With The Concept Of Separation Of Church And State' (VIDEO)

...such excellent points. Among its many failures and travesties, Tea Party thinking doesn't seem to be aware of the Age of Enlightenment - the world of our founders - with all its trappings of modern mentality, and how it informed the thinking of all the people the GOP seems to admire. But don't think for a moment that the GOP actually gives a hang about any of that Age's great minds. The right-wingers of history only care about keeping wealth safe and everyone else in their shops and hovels, today as well as every yesterday - proof of this is what we call 'the historical record'.
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GOP Candidate Ken Buck: 'I Disagree Strongly With The Concept Of Separation Of Church And State' (VIDEO)

I wonder if the GOP thugs who think as this addled clown does, know that they are being heard loud and clear, and that their words will bring them down - or do they think Americans just roll over for this kind of blasphemy. I don't think many of them really understand what they're playing with, but they sure seem to be positioning themselves to find out.
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Health Care: Will Employers Drop Coverage As Reforms Are Enacted?

and then what? Do employees get that money instead, allowing them to buy as individuals? You see, it's about the money. If you cancel employer coverage, you have only touched half of the event - but if this isn't done correctly - fairly, without loss of income to workers, then there will be anger in the streets, chaos in the boardroom, and fear everywhere; why wouldn't there be?
About Health Care
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Job-Creation Idea No. 12: Let The Old Folks Retire Early And Make Way For Young Workers

agreed... but it doesn't need to be forced retirement - just the option would no doubt result in many many older workers choosing to retire early, and that would result in more job possibilities for others.
But you're really nailing it when you say that there's lots of stuff for us all to consider - it's like now we're all working for NASA and living on a whole new planet.
I hardly know anyone who feels secure today.
About Careers
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Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head (VIDEO) (UPDATED)

namely, lots of us ... I want serious but for this one - you don't stomp a man's daughter's head and get back to your house all in one piece.
About Senate Races
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Apparent Rand Paul Supporter Stomps On MoveOn Member's Head (VIDEO) (UPDATED)

Awful, but the fact that it's not totally unsurprising is worse. The brown-shirts are here, and denying it or "moderating" it away are no longer viable options. This is the real deal - we've got to stop them yet again.
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Taylor Momsen Flashes Her Chest (VIDEO)

So, you're "pretty sure" HuffPo is run by "FAKE-LIBERAL PERVS". Well, you seem to have lots of ideas on how other people should conduct themselves, so I guess that makes you the kind of judgmental know-nothing everyone avoids like the flu.
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U.S. Bishop Says Jews Have No 'Exclusive Right' To Israel

Not too surprisingly HuffPo acts very nervous when it comes to comments concerning religion - like the ones this article provokes, but this time it's really like a recording of the entire psych ward. I'm trying to read all these comments, but I can't get through them without gagging.
Listen to all this babble... listen to all this malarkey, with commenters spewing words that barely have cogent meaning, trying to state the unstateable, describe the indescribable, settle the forever unsettled - yet failing horribly. And those are the better comments!
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U.S. Bishop Says Jews Have No 'Exclusive Right' To Israel
U.S. Bishop Says Jews Have No 'Exclusive Right' To Israel: "'There is no longer a chosen people -- all men and women of all countries have become the chosen people.'"
Let's bet that this statement gets revised - and that this guy will never be head of Vatican public relations.
Let's bet that this statement gets revised - and that this guy will never be head of Vatican public relations.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sustainable Sushi
Greatest Person Of The Day: Bun Lai: "Only in America can a person be obese and starving at the same time... calories are cheap but nutrients are expensive. One of the greatest challenges to the sustainability and organic movement is to be able to make high quality food affordable for everyone."
This guy, by the way, has perfect pitch...
This guy, by the way, has perfect pitch...
Greatest Person Of The Day
Bun Lai, Chef And Sustainable Sushi Guru: "Thirty years ago, when my mother opened Miya's, there were very few sushi restaurants in Connecticut. My mother wanted to introduce Americans to Japanese culture so she served some of the most authentic Japanese food around. When I took over, I yearned to cook in a way that was truer to the person that I am. I am Chinese and Japanese and I was largely raised in New Haven, Conn., where I was exposed to people from all around the world and entrenched in the Yale community through my father who was a medical doctor and a researcher. So, my sushi is quite American. And, when I say American, I don't mean American in the way that so many ethnic foods in America have evolved into junk food. Miya's is American in the way that it is meaningfully and positively innovative"
Job-Creation Idea No. 12: Let The Old Folks Retire Early And Make Way For Young Workers

Retiring older workers to open up jobs for younger workers was one of the justifications for Social Security back during the depression. There are other good ideas from back then, but they have been mostly demonized by decades of GOP attacks. Too bad... for us, because there is not an iota of chance for success with any of the plans put on the table by Republicans - but then again they don't need a plan, because they don't have a problem - the people they represent are doing quite well, thank you very much.
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Ben Stein Calls Joe Miller A 'Stupid' Thug In Paper Whose Editor Was Handcuffed By Candidate's Security
Ben Stein Calls Joe Miller A 'Stupid' Thug In Paper Whose Editor Was Handcuffed By Candidate's Security: "Miller is accusing the reporter of assaulting his guards, who, as apparently seen by witnesses, surrounded [editor Tony] Hopfinger and menaced him, and then cuffed him when he tried to escape. How stupid can a candidate be? How can this be happening?"
San Diego Diocese Sex Abuse Case: Lawyers Release 10,000 Unsealed Documents

...actually, he has a 'need' to call atheism a 'threat'. If it were an acceptable stance, his job would be toast, and the Vatican would close, remodel and reopen as a PG-13 museum of stolen art and quaint nonsense - with a giftshop where you can buy marble saints at a discount.
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ICONS OF STYLE SERIES: Suzy Parker, The World's First Supermodel (PHOTOS)

Wow. I've just had a terrific time googling around and finding out about this woman, and her times. In the process I learned about her fantastic sister Dorian Leigh (Parker), another very famous model, but whose story is rich with mid-20th century angst and art, and more - including it being most likely that she was the basis for the character Holly Golightly in Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's. Dorian's life was a real ride. I think It would make a dynamite movie.
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San Diego Diocese Sex Abuse Case: Lawyers Release 10,000 Unsealed Documents
San Diego Diocese Sex Abuse Case: Lawyers Release 10,000 Unsealed Documents: "'You have won a reputation as a zealous worker and devoted to the poor,' Bishop Buddy wrote the priest in a December 1962 letter.
'On the other hand, the 'incidents' at Indio were more serious than first presented to me, especially inasmuch as the police have made a record of them. You know how word gets around, so that you be certain that the police here will be on your trail. ... It will be more prudent and more secure for you to return to your own diocese.'"
Wow, "word gets around... the police here will be on your trail"... Who is this, Father Bugsy? This is gangster film dialog - spewing from the mouth of a priest advising a sexual predator. Breathtaking stuff... time to sell the vatican and break up the art collections?
"The papers also contain documents from the files of Rev. Anthony Rodrigue. In 1976, a group of parents at Rodrigue's parish in Heber, Calif., complained he had molested their children, according to court documents.
The priest was sent to a psychiatric facility in Massachusetts for treatment but was put back in ministry despite the recommendations of those who treated him.
Rodrigue later admitted he had molested between four to five children a year over a span of 22 years, said Irwin Zalkin, an attorney for the plaintiffs. About 30 people filed lawsuits against the diocese alleging sexual abuse against the priest, who died within the last year, he said.
'He was probably one of the most prolific abusers in this diocese. ... And they knew about this guy from his days in the seminary but kept him in ministry,' Zalkin said."
Uber wow !
'On the other hand, the 'incidents' at Indio were more serious than first presented to me, especially inasmuch as the police have made a record of them. You know how word gets around, so that you be certain that the police here will be on your trail. ... It will be more prudent and more secure for you to return to your own diocese.'"
Wow, "word gets around... the police here will be on your trail"... Who is this, Father Bugsy? This is gangster film dialog - spewing from the mouth of a priest advising a sexual predator. Breathtaking stuff... time to sell the vatican and break up the art collections?
"The papers also contain documents from the files of Rev. Anthony Rodrigue. In 1976, a group of parents at Rodrigue's parish in Heber, Calif., complained he had molested their children, according to court documents.
The priest was sent to a psychiatric facility in Massachusetts for treatment but was put back in ministry despite the recommendations of those who treated him.
Rodrigue later admitted he had molested between four to five children a year over a span of 22 years, said Irwin Zalkin, an attorney for the plaintiffs. About 30 people filed lawsuits against the diocese alleging sexual abuse against the priest, who died within the last year, he said.
'He was probably one of the most prolific abusers in this diocese. ... And they knew about this guy from his days in the seminary but kept him in ministry,' Zalkin said."
Uber wow !
Alan Cumming: Obama Has Done 'Diddly Squat' For Gay Rights

...yes, don't vote for the dems. They're the ones you can't trust. They're the ones that spent all that money stopping gay marriage in California. Yeah, dump the dems and we will treat you like queens - and we'll cut way back on saying Barney 'Fag', and we promise to tip you all real good if you actually bring us bread as soon as we sit down. You are so smart to trust us. The GOP will treat you real nice.
Newt and Candy, and everyone dandy in the GOP...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Google Needs to Buy Foursquare Now, Before It's too Late
They should want Twitter too, but the concept of getting it on the cheap is out of Google's hands - though they don't act as if they know it.
This sounds familiar. Google is doing the big stupid, just like that ancient Roman King who refused to pay the asking price for the three most powerful and prophetic religious books of the ancient, world - the Sibylline Books, offered to the King by the most famous Roman prophetess, the Sybil of Cumae.
So she burned one of the books, and proceeded to again offer them for sale, but at the same, original price. Again the King refused; so she burned book number two.
Realizing his colossal error and the already stupendous loss, the King immediately bought the one remaining book - for the original, full asking price.
Yikes!... Goggle better better buy Twitter pronto - before all you can get is a retweet for the same price!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
This sounds familiar. Google is doing the big stupid, just like that ancient Roman King who refused to pay the asking price for the three most powerful and prophetic religious books of the ancient, world - the Sibylline Books, offered to the King by the most famous Roman prophetess, the Sybil of Cumae.
So she burned one of the books, and proceeded to again offer them for sale, but at the same, original price. Again the King refused; so she burned book number two.
Realizing his colossal error and the already stupendous loss, the King immediately bought the one remaining book - for the original, full asking price.
Yikes!... Goggle better better buy Twitter pronto - before all you can get is a retweet for the same price!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Fox News Responds To MSNBC With 'Move Forward' Promos (VIDEO)

There is nothing anyone at Fox can say that would mean much to me. At long last, they are in another country, worshiping twisted things that I don't believe are godly, and speaking a language I increasingly don't understand.
Fortunately, Fox and its followers seem itchy to secede from the United States, and boy am I jazzed about that - I've had parting gifts wrapped and ready for years...
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Julian Assange WALKS OUT Of CNN Interview (VIDEO)

...the deeply unlikeable guy who's just now delivering my pizza is giving off a strong vibe of fathomless shallowness - how much should I tip for that?
About CNN
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