Monday, October 25, 2010

Ben Stein Calls Joe Miller A 'Stupid' Thug In Paper Whose Editor Was Handcuffed By Candidate's Security

Ben Stein Calls Joe Miller A 'Stupid' Thug In Paper Whose Editor Was Handcuffed By Candidate's Security: "Miller is accusing the reporter of assaulting his guards, who, as apparently seen by witnesses, surrounded [editor Tony] Hopfinger and menaced him, and then cuffed him when he tried to escape. How stupid can a candidate be? How can this be happening?"

1 comment:

Mandi Gill said...

How stupid can they be? Well after arresting one reporter they got in the faces of other reporters trying to cover the arrest of the first reporter. Then, having busted the first reporter, they tried to justify that action with a set of tales, unrelated to the actual arrest, of how the first reporter did nasty things. So actually pretty damn stupid.