Sunday, May 08, 2011

Dick Cheney Warns Against Afghanistan Withdrawal: Don't 'Run For The Exits' (VIDEO)

Why would I want to hear what mister 'had-it-al­l-wrong' has to say about Afghanista­n - or anything?C­heney says there was important knowledge gained from enhanced interrogat­ion 'torture' techniques that made it possible for Obama to get Bin Laden - oh really? Then why were all the Cheneys and all the Bushes surprised that Bin Laden wasn't in a cave?

Why didn't Cheney use the informatio­n to get Bin Laden years ago? You know why... 'cause he's makin' it up as he goes along; lying through his teeth. Bush and Cheney blew their time on watch so bad, it'll take every word in the dictionary to fully describe it for future generation­s. It's most certainly going to be titled "The Decline and Fall of Something" - let's hope it wasn't us.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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