Saturday, October 16, 2010

'Acid Christ'

Mark Christensen: 'Acid Christ': Ken Kesey, Psychedlics And The King Of Counter Culture: "So what was Ken Kesey’s legacy? Two groundbreaking novels, 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest' and 'Sometimes a Great Notion.' As a questioner of authority he was without modern equal, but posterity has not given him a standing O. For Kesey also gave millions of Baby Boomer a psychedelic gun impossible to aim. Prozac nation doesn’t take a lot of LSD. Most “acid inspired” Ecotopian thinking -- massive de-urbanization, the displacement of the nuclear family in favor of the tribe, the end of money, clocks, bosses, loneliness and war -- never came to pass.

Yet the Kesey inspired radical social change of the 60’s spurred a healthy atomization of authority, affirmation of the right to protest, the end of brutal, useless war in Vietnam, great progress in civil rights, the woman’s movement and the promotion of individualism. His like will not be seen again."

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