Friday, January 13, 2012

Lamar Smith, SOPA Author, Says Won't Back Down Despite Fierce Criticism

Only a fool would fool with the internet, and Lamar Smith intends to be that fool. He of course must be stopped. His SOPA bill is the big enchilada of huge mistakes - the most ominous, pervasive threat to the internet ever.

Smith fails to recognize that the internet is more than merely a store, or a digital Caribbean full of pirates. It is the modern library, and like the library, is surely one of the 'wonders of mankind', with humanity's future inextricab­ly linked to it.

The internet is a colossal victory, and people such as Lamar Smith are the small failures that threaten that victory. We must mow him down and get him out of the way of the prosperity he is foolishly threatenin­g.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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