Thursday, June 17, 2010

GOP Feels BP's Pain

What a shameful thing. The GOP will turn left right left right as long as possible in order to oppose anything and everything that Democrats try to do for the country, and here's Barton from secession country taking it to the bleeding edge and apologizing to BP for having to put up a fund to secure the patience of American citizens through this crises. What kind of a dipshit would suggest that BP may, after all, not have to pay for all of this?

But a few years ago Barton explained how deep up the BP ass he really was: "'Offshore drilling and production platforms are so technologically advanced that one platform on the surface of the water can handle production from several different wells several miles apart, house a myriad of technologically advanced computer systems, employ scores of personnel, generate electricity, enable people to face and conquer the adversities of living in the middle of the ocean, and do so 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; all without so much as losing a gum wrapper over the side of the platform. It is truly amazing,' Barton said, at an opening for a Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing on April 29, 2004."

See the new tatoo on my forehead? "I am not paying for it" ... yeah, that one.

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