Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Debtors' Prison: Jobless Woman Jailed For Unpaid Traffic Fines

This has been coming along for years now. I noticed it first a few years ago when I realized the logical conclusion and great danger for people dealing with the revamped bankruptcy laws - where people were no longer able to completely unload debt - unlike in corporate law - and could end up in jail as a result of not being able to abide by the judge's ruling as to how much of the debt they could afford to pay back. Failing to meet the judg'es order could easily lead to jail - and suddenly the incarcerat­ion of citizens for unpaid debts again became a reality - skirting the assumption by most Americans that debtors prison was abolished long-gone in America. It was; but conservati­ves are in control now and we're on the road to Serf City - where the rules are stacked against all but the wealthy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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