Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Growing Up Brzezinski - life at Mika's house
Joe, like countless other TV bloviators, relies on hiding behind the ignorance of his audience rather than tackle the requirement of his calling - presenting information distilled with judgement. But that would mean he would have to stand behind his story and behind that judgement.
Be a pro, Joe! It's not news that the public is very satisfied with being uninformed; very content to hear its' superstitions respected and its' ignorance serenaded and celebrated. But it's dishonorable to rely on these facts and think of yourself as a professional, doing your job. As Mika's dad said, "If you are going to judge your knowledge by collective standards of 300 million people don't be surprised if you are embarrassed."
Now that's good television!
HuffPo commenter TstormVA explains his take on Dr. Z's statement: "Meaning if you are not going to be a responsible journalist and take the effort to be more informed than the average person on the street before spouting off at the mouth then don't be so sensitive when the Chief big dog taps your nose with a newspaper. The Republican party has made a living at talking to the ignorant masses with ignorance."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Pass the Magic Asshat
"'The core play in the GOP playbook for 44 years has been the magic negro playbook,' said Simon Rosenberg, head of Democratic organization NDN and one of the most well-versed party figures on racial politics. 'They don't have another play or another playbook. Whether it is Willie Horton, or welfare queens and tax and spend, or the way they have dealt with immigration... they don't have a play in their playbook that doesn't start with the exploitation of racial divisions... They are going to have to reject 44 years of GOP politics in order to have any chance in the 21st century America.'"
Spot on, that Simon Rosenberg.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wet Dreams of Russian Thugs
It's all very cinematic, certianly possible, and...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Sell His Blood
I have a dear friend that has lost everything because of this dirtbag. She is 61 and has for years served the arts community, all the while building a retirement income fund from what she believed to be secure, steady, diversified investments managed by a highly recommended fund manager named Madoff. And, let's get this straight, she also believed - as I would, that the SEC and other government entities were run by professionals who knew their duty and, at the very least, were capable of detecting some of the most obvious criminal scenarios - like the world-famous Ponzi scheme.
My friend has been attacked and is devastated and is in great pain, and it is yet more painful to know that Madoff is not in jail at this very moment. He should not be in his home under house arrest. The crime is too great, and the accusations against him involve the ruination of people suddenly financially disemboweled, with fear and poverty staring them right in the face.
That he walks around his home - while so many others will lose theirs, is hard to stomach. Somebody in the justice system must lead the way in getting this monster behind bars before he enjoys the mercy of taking his own life, and certainly before he lives another moment believing he belongs among us.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Is it illegal to yell RUSH! in a Caribbean brothel?
Powell isn't after media adulation - or even exposure. What kind of idiot would think that? Oh yeah, that kind.
Let's review, ok? Day one: Colin Powell says he is supporting Obama. Day two: Powell elaborates on why America is on the chopping block in the hearts of god-zillions of the world's citizens. Day three: ...there is NO day three because that was it - Powell did not do anything else. He did not court the press, did not book himself on every Lenoman nightshow; in fact became a notable supporter of sanity and anti-excess, and a no-show on the unsane cable news circuit.
So what is Limbaugh talking about? Nothing important, but his voice takes the place of ours when we let the little pervert sleep well.
The Tall Puke in the Man Suit
When the actual story comes out about the Blago-Obama "connection", we will all get to verify the quality of Joe Scarborough's thinking; the power of his discernment. In the next act, we'll get to see Joe re-chewing the scenery until it looks like he didn't say what he actual did say.
Charles Joseph Scarborough is the confederacy's yellow journalism queen, come to life in our time to entertain the throw-back righties we all know and love.
Way to go, Charlie Joe !
12-16-2008 - another thought...
Joe Scarborough and his littler repeater, Mika, are off the deep end with their constant sniggering and outright misstatements about Obama-Blago.
Joe is the perfect definition of what the GOP looks like today: doing his job as the Glans Mignon of the uber-righties, exposing bias at every turn of the camera, all the while as Mika stutters and grimaces and then - like Oliver Hardy, looks into the camera as if to complain that "here's another fine mess he's gotten me into."
He didn't get her into a mess; she crawled there herself. That she sits beside him is all the information one needs about where she's coming from.
But, who am I kidding? There's no way to insult Joe, because he really doesn't exist - not as a real person; he's a controlled foil.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Please tell the Third-Class passengers that we'll miss them terribly
Please. Just stop. Stop your speculation on the auto industry's errors and problems. Some of us can't stand your snarking at working people and their desire to have realistic health-care options, retirement security, and dignified citizenship.
But I bet you'll listen with attentive consideration to the thoughts of self-serving political junkmen like the retreaded Senator Shelby.
Are you guys as good as it gets? Did Jesus pass your village by?
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Fuck The Workers, Pass Me The Bonus
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The Unsanity of the GOP Marches On...
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
"I don't think we did enough"
"Campaign Boogeyman" starring William Ayers
comment by: TruEngineHearing: (from Huffington Post)
"From reading some of these posts, one would think that an entire generation of war resisters didn't know what they were doing.
From reading some of these posts, you can imagine the writers doing anything their leaders told them to do. When you read some of these posts, you can hear the arguments of those that will go and kill and die for bad reasons.
You see, Timmy, sometimes the only holy thing to do is keep names off a black wall."
... then ...
reply from: reliant1:
"Sometimes Timmy, the only holy thing to do is tear down the government that is intent on drafting and killing kids. Sometimes good people are supposed to stand up and fight for what is right and give everything they have for it if needed.
Not here. The good people looked away. The good people shut their eyes. The good people sold the soul of their nation for a wall.
Sorry Timmy, nothing holy is left, anywhere."
Honor the Dead - Make More
Letting others get killed in order to improve the lot of a dead person is the mental setup of people I am always against.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Not a Universal Soldier
The whole idea is to keep names off the black wall.
"What you call the violent past, that was a time when thousands of people were being murdered every month by our own government. ... We were on the right side."
We Most Certainly Should Have Done More.
Friday, November 07, 2008
"The Children Are Watching" - Noonan
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
"The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace" - says Rightie Mouthbreather
Thud !!
George Bush did not stand by us. He forever stands by 4000 caskets filled with the remains of those you love.
Those people are not coming back, and the Wall Street Journal is screaming mad to publish writer Jeffrey Scott Shapiro's words.
Loyalty, the least admirable quality in existence, lived in high esteem within Shapiros everywhere, even as "Captain A" plowed full speed through an ice field at night with no binoculars.
Once and yet again, WSJ types shake the "invisible hand-job of capitalism" and pretend it's the grip of god.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Walking Into The Light
Everyone there was joyful, hopeful and polite to one another. One Love. We all talked about this lady, Barack's grandmother, and how she already knew and died with the peace of having raised to adulthood one good and exceptional man/human being. May we all know this feeling.
I took in every moment and after casting my ballot I walked outside and felt like I was looking at the sun for the first time in 8 years."
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Over The Parapet - Life, Romance !
I should caution that by far the most likely scenario is that Obama wins some relatively decisive victory of anywhere from 3-12 points in the popular vote. If Obama wins the popular vote by anything in this range, he will find plenty of blue territory, accumulating somewhere between 300-400 electoral votes. The electoral math will matter very little.
We can probably assume, however, that IF the national polls tighten significantly (and to reiterate, the likelihood is that they will NOT), McCain will edge out a victory in North Carolina, Florida, Indiana, North Dakota, Montana, Georgia, and Missouri; put those states in the McCain column for the time being. Likewise, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa all appear safe for Obama, even in the case of significant tightening. Put those in the Obama column.
That leaves our five states in play. The victory conditions for Obama involving these five states proceed something as follows:
1. Win Pennsylvania and ANY ONE of Colorado, Virginia, Ohio, or Nevada*
2. Win Ohio and EITHER Colorado OR Virginia.
3. Win Colorado AND Virginia AND Nevada.
(* Nevada produces a 269-269 tie, which would probably be resolved for Obama in the House of Represenatives.)
Now, suppose you think that Colorado is already in the bag for Obama because of his large edge in early voting there. We can then simplify the victory conditions as follows:
1. Win Pennsylvania
2. Win Ohio
3. Win Virginia AND Nevada"
Ah gee, it all sounds as easy as pie on a third date.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"So long, suckers..."
In his farewell letter, which concluded with an appeal for the legalisation of marijuana, Lahde said he was happy with his rewards and did not envy those who had made even more money.
"I will let others try to amass nine, 10 or 11 figure net worths. Meanwhile, their lives suck," he wrote, citing a life of back-to-back business appointments relieved only by a two-week annual holiday in which financiers are still "glued to their Blackberries..."
"...His final words of advice? "Throw the Blackberry away and enjoy life."
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"Come and get me, copper" - Peggy Noonan
I gather this week from conservative publications that those whose thoughts lead them to criticism in this area are to be shunned, and accused of the lowest motives. In one now-famous case, Christopher Buckley was shooed from the great magazine his father invented. In all this, the conservative intelligentsia are doing what they have done for five years. They bitterly attacked those who came to stand against the Bush administration. This was destructive. If they had stood for conservative principle and the full expression of views, instead of attempting to silence those who opposed mere party, their movement, and the party, would be in a better, and healthier, position.
At any rate, come and get me, copper."
Friday, October 17, 2008
Who Cares That Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right As Long As Three Lefts Do?
"...the Chicago Tribune, a newspaper that has not endorsed a Democrat for president since it was founded in 1847, followed suit. From their editorial:
Many Americans say they're uneasy about Obama. He's pretty new to them.
We can provide some assurance. We have known Obama since he entered politics a dozen years ago. We have watched him, worked with him, argued with him as he rose from an effective state senator to an inspiring U.S. senator to the Democratic Party's nominee for president.
We have tremendous confidence in his intellectual rigor, his moral compass and his ability to make sound, thoughtful, careful decisions. He is ready.
It may have seemed audacious for Obama to start his campaign in Springfield, invoking Lincoln. We think, given the opportunity to hold this nation's most powerful office, he will prove it wasn't so audacious after all. We are proud to add Barack Obama's name to Lincoln's in the list of people the Tribune has endorsed for president of the United States."
Friday, October 10, 2008
Brown Shirts On Sale in the Lobby !!
Mary-Kay Gamel is a literature and classics professor at UCSC. She is asking people to send the letter she wrote far and wide.
It was just before John McCain's last run at the presidential nomination in 2000 that my husband and I vacationed on Turtle Island in Fiji with John McCain, Cindy, and their children, including Bridget (their adopted Bangladeshi child).
It was not our intention, but it was our misfortune to be in close quarters with John McCain for almost a week, since Turtle Island has a small number of bungalows and their focus on communal meals force all vacationers who are there at the same time to get to know each other intimately. He arrived at our first group meal and started reading quotes from a pile of William Faulkner books with a forest of Post-Its sticking out of them. As an English Literature major myself, my first thought was, "if he likes this so much, why hasn't he memorized any of this yet?" I soon realized that McCain actually thought we had come on vacation to be a volunteer audience for his "readings" which then became a regular part of each meal. Out of politeness, none of the vacationers initially protested at this intrusion into their blissful holiday, but people's buttons definitely got pushed as the readings continued day after day. Unfortunately this was not his only contribution to our mealtime entertainment. He waxed on during one meal about how Indo-Chine women had the best figures and that our American corn-fed women just couldn't meet up to this standard. He also made it a point that all of us should stop Cindy from having dessert as her weight was too high and made a few comments to Amy, the 25 year old wife of the honeymooning couple from Nebraska, that she should eat less as she needed to lose weight.
McCain's appreciation of the beauty of Asian women was so great that David the American economist had to move his Thai wife to the other side of the table from McCain as McCain kept aggressively flirting with and touching her. Needless to say I was irritated at his large ego and his rude behavior towards his wife and other women, but decided he must have some redeeming qualities as he had adopted a handicapped child from Bangladesh. I asked him about this one day, and his response was shocking: "Oh, that was Cindy's idea - I didn't have anything to do with it. She just went and adopted this thing without even asking me. You can't imagine how people stare when I wheel this ugly, black thing around in a shopping cart in Arizona. No, it wasn't my idea at all."
I actively avoided McCain after that, but unfortunately one day he engaged me in a political discussion which soon got us on the topic of the active US bombing of Iraq at that time. I was shocked when he said, "If I was in charge, I would nuke Iraq to teach them a lesson." Given McCain's personal experience with the horrors of war, I had expected a more balanced point of view. I commented on the tragic consequences of the nuclear attacks on Japan during WWII - but no, he was not to be dissuaded. He went on to say that if it was up to him he would have dropped many more nuclear bombs on Japan. I rapidly extricated myself from this conversation. I could tell that his experience being tortured as a POW didn't seem to have mellowed out his perspective, but rather had made him more aggressive and vengeful towards the world.
My final encounter with McCain was on the morning that he was leaving Turtle Island. Amy and I were happily eating pancakes when McCain arrived and told Amy that she shouldn't be having pancakes because she needed to lose weight. Amy burst into tears at this abusive comment. I felt fiercely protective of Amy and immediately turned to McCain and told him to leave her alone. He became very angry and abusive towards me, and said, "Don't you know who I am?"
I looked him in the face and said, "Yes, you are the biggest I have ever met" and headed back to my cabin. I am happy to say that later that day when I arrived at lunch I was given a standing ovation by all the guests for having stood up to McCain's bullying.
Although I have shared my McCain story informally with friends, this is the first time I am making this public. I almost did so in 2000, when McCain first announced his bid for the Republican nomination, but it soon became apparent that George Bush was the shoo-in candidate and so I did not act then. However, now that there is a very real possibility that McCain could be elected as our next president, I feel it is my duty as an American citizen to share this story.
I can't imagine a more scary outcome for America than that this abusive, aggressive man should lead our nation. I have observed him in intimate surroundings as he really is, not how the media portrays him to be. If his attitudes toward women and his treatment of his own family are even a small indicator of his real personality, then I shudder to think what will happen to America were he to be elected as our President.
-- Mary-Kay Gamel, Professor of Classics, Comparative Literature, and Theater Arts, Cowell College, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064
Telephone: (office) 831-459-2381; (home) 831-429-8803
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bush - "Your Ass Is Mine"
It's called dictatorial power and as practiced by Sulla, Stalin, and godzillion other tyrants, leads to greed monkees fucking impoverished boys, and to mega yachts.
Monday, September 15, 2008
They Kill Us For Their Sport

Don't miss the Moose-Ball Mousse, Sarah Palin's homemade dessert that's a snap to make - lightly-killed moose cojones, rolled in ice, then served with a rich gumbo of lies.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
McCain's Mooseketeer
I regret to say that McCain's choice to add Palin to the ticket is by any measure bold, risky and brilliant. With this move - and the apparent success of "his" surge, McCain lays out a claim to leadership and evidence of superior canniness.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Palin By Comparison
That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan.'"
"Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state. 'I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that,' she said."
Somebody like Palin surely must have a preacher lurking in the dim background and - walla!!!, there he is, Pastor Kalnins:
"Pastor Kalnins has also preached that critics of President Bush will be banished to hell; questioned whether people who voted for Sen. John Kerry in 2004 would be accepted to heaven; charged that the 9/11 terrorist attacks and war in Iraq were part of a war "contending for your faith;" and said that Jesus "operated from that position of war mode."
Thank heaven for little girls. They grow up in the most unusual ways.
I just can't fathom how much fun we're about to have.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
John McCain's Heart
An Anchorage Daily News editorial states that, "It's stunning that someone with so little national and international experience might be a heartbeat away from the presidency."
Uhhh... What Am I Supposed To Do Everyday?
Damn straight, girly ! - you should demand that information on your first day in office.
Leighton Woodhouse, Communications Director at Brave New Films, writing in HuffPo, says that "the McCain campaign is doing what the GOP always does when it has to fight for working class voters in a debate that Republicans can't win on its merits: they are reverting to symbolic politics, a role for which Palin is tailor-made."
To use Sarah's wonderfully vapid, Hiltonesque new phrase, "absolutely, yup, yup."
Woodhouse's evolved prediction is that "The McCain campaign is going to trot Palin out whenever they need to make the case that they feel America's pain. They're going to contrast her story to Obama's, and even to Biden's (not the part about being a scrappy kid from Scranton, but the part about being in the Senate for a million years)."
"They're going to turn any question about Palin's 'experience,' whether from a Dem or from a journalist, into another elitist attack on working class culture, another example of snooty, brainiac liberals condescending to ordinary Americans. And to boot, a bunch of good old boys picking on Mrs. Mom."'s eerily like that scene from the cable series Mad Men, where they discuss the affect of the "Official Evidence of Cancer" on cigarette advertising and how the entire health issue is now moot - everyone's fucked, so no cigarette can be healthier than another. Checkmate.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Back in the U.S. We Are
If some people don't recognize any of this then perhaps their fate is to never make it to the crest of the hill to see what is beyond the shining city.
If they could see Novamerica, they'd grab some booze and join us – but perhaps their eyes do not see.
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Anatomy of a McCain Deception
"As was pointed out yesterday by the Christian Science Monitor, the McCain campaign was called out for lying about the purported urging of Cindy McCain by Mother Teresa herself to adopt two children at her orphanage back in 1991. Turns out, McCain never met or even spoke with Mother Teresa on that trip.
Once confronted by the Monitor about the deception, the campaign quickly erased such claims from the website, as it did with Cindy's family recipes, which were proved to be lifted from the Food Network."
"Seems that Rick Warren told Larry King on Monday night that the Mother Teresa story was one of three times during Saturday's forum that McCain teared-up. They're liars and actors."
Lost and Found
Right Wingers Ruin Bank, Blame Schumer
Seems like the Republicans are all over this one.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Ugly Girl
Watch "The King and I" - a known classic of American cinema, and revel in female star Deborah Kerr singing some of the most beautiful songs ever written. NOT. It was somebody else singing - Marni Nixon, whose beauty was not required, and whose accomplishments as an actress perhaps not yet revealed. So?
We're such slobs it's hard to believe we used to be decent Americans - before the various Contessa Brewers and the packs of Obermanns were let loose to drum up audiences whenever and however possible. You know and I know that to keep seeing those 6 zeros in their paychecks they'd drop their pants in a second. So torturing a little chinese girl with false shame is a cakewalk for these low feeders.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Ask Chuck
He's way into this issue...
"Look at India's Green Revolution. It worked for a short time but now the price is being paid.
"I have been to the Punjab where you have seen the disasters that have taken place as result of the over demand on irrigation because of the hybrid seeds and grains that have been produced which demand huge amounts of water.
"The water table has disappeared. They have huge problems with water level, with pesticide problems, and complications which are now coming home to roost.
"Look at western Australia. Huge salinisation problems. I have been there. Seen it."
I mean WAY into it...
Friday, August 01, 2008
On the Ground, In Country, Like a Rock Star !
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Righteous Trinity: Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity
The shotgun-wielding suspect in Sunday's mass shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church was motivated by a hatred of 'the liberal movement,' and he planned to shoot until police shot him, Knoxville Police Chief Sterling P. Owen IV said this morning."
And there he is again, Michael Savage, the real deal in human tripe.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Rollin' Fat
"I don't know about you, but it seems amiss to me for the media to portray this as a pro-Atkins study, really, since most of us consider Atkins to be meat-based, and shouldn't the media help us to better understand the science?"
There's a large pile of mis-directed glee in this article.
If this is what Kathy Freston knows - if this is what she thinks is true, then she knows nothing.
The edge is so far beyond the faded Dean Ornish model that it is spectacular to read this organized rant pretending otherwise.
Fear of meat is not an uplifted or valuable reason for anything; it's merely fear of meat.
Follow the actual facts and you will get to the actual edge.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
He Had A Hunch
I saw him once on a TV talk show where former Hollywood bombshell Lana Turner was one of the guests. It became immediately clear that, for some reason, she had a big dislike for him and at one point said to the other host that George actually was scaring her - his look included long-hair and roughly mantained, hippie-like clothing. George seemed to be taken aback by her obvious revulsion, and so was I - bigtime. But it was suddenly and unmistakably very clear to me that she was a monster and that he was my brilliant, powerful and beautiful knight in the blessed New Order.
Life jumped out of him like radiation, and sometimes when I saw him in the later years - older than I thought many of us would ever become, I would be reminded of these lines from a Russian poet:
Into the distance disappear
the mounds of human heads
I dwindle, go unnoticed now
But in affectionate books,
in children's games
I will rise from the dead
to say, "the sun!"
Ultimately, for me, his beauty was his hunch about life - that it was never too hot to touch, and that everything mattered.
How To Look Sick
At first I thought it was just me; maybe I was twisting what I'd heard, but then I heard it again and realized how absolutely outrageous it is for this little boy-toy runt to think he can get away with saying crap like that.
His wife can build him another little fake lake to fish in, and ply him with more free booze and scoot him around Red America on her jet, but she doesn't have enough alchohol profits in her bag to buy the humanity and common sense this guy sorely needs.
Barbara Bush might say, "I am done with him." I say fire him from everything and get him a job "selling fish to tourists in tee-shirts" and let's get back to the future.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Something Happened To Liberty
The story of the long, plotted, pathway to the Brown case is one of the most fantastic and glorious stories you will ever hear.
If they do it right, we will all be introduced to the amazing group of people - spread out over a century, whose cleverness, brilliance, and motivation saved all of us - whites from an eternity of raw blame and guilt, and blacks from the bleak future of secondness.
I can't wait.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
If You Get Screwed - You Stay Screwed
I hope they don't come to my door and try to talk their nonsense to my kid. My reaction would be very ugly indeed.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
And a glass of Chard for my cat
This is a great article and a fascinating topic.
Over the past five thousand and more years almost every civilization at some point experienced animals as volitional players on the human stage - and often as dear and feared gods, before whom we cowered.
I still feel the power of that past. I look to my cats in awe, treasuring them as god-like sublime perfections, and I have never doubted the reality of their passions and their sorrows and their sacred “umwelt”.
Show me the bush that they can eat when they are particularly troubled, and I will get it for them. Show me the medication that can help them deal with situations beyond their control, and I will get it for them. But I always know that their senses should not be unduly disturbed or their faculties diminished. We are interfering and, even though our motives are clean, we must do no harm.
Oops, gotta go - time to feed the Sphinx.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Google: We Can't Figure Out How To Make Money On Web Video, Either
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Here, you eat Bernini; I'll eat Rafael
To put it fucking mildly, erecting a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge "would alter the look of the historic span, bridge officials said Monday."
"The main visual difference in the railing proposals are whether the designs call for vertical or horizontal stripes. The study did not determine which design would be most effective in preventing suicides, Currie said."
We are different than those human beings who built such a treasure, but we know the beauty that is right before our eyes, and the higher voice within us knows that our part of the story is to pass it forward without harm and intact.
"Leave the bridge alone !!!"
"Barack, you'll love this plane."
Well, that was right nice, don't you think?
..."As the pilot struggled to re-gain control of the pitch of the plane - the angle of the nose of the plane - Obama was told that he and the other 44 passengers on board might have to assume the brace position upon landing, bending forward with their heads between their knees.
That ultimately did not happen, but..."
"...National Transportation Safety Board chairman Mark Rosenker told ABC News' Dennis Powell yesterday that the incident 'is extremely serious in this particular case.'
An inflatable slide in the tail cone of the plane had deployed, making control of the plane tough. "There are hydraulic lines back there," Rosenker says. 'There are control cables that deal with the elevators and other area's of control surfaces for the aircraft, and could potentially make it extremely difficult if not impossible to fly the aircraft."
! Gulp !
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Webb's "Thrilling, Frightening Masculinity"
So true and so amazing. Webb hates - really hates, the elites. He has detailed thoughts on this issue and they all quicken to a fine-edged Scot-Irish rage where we're all back at Hadrian's wall - we Celts on the ground and us Romans on the bullwarks, trading insults, itching for blood.
I don't really see Webb eager to join the nerds, but nerds for Obama rings true.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Screw This Pooch
..."Nor is it the place of a news organization to stick him on TV as an authority, simply because morons listen to what he says."
"This intellectual shitkicker may have puffed himself up enough to think he's got enough moral highground to evaluate the authenticity of the candidates..."
"In the best of all possible worlds, candidates and news organizations wouldn't pander to the dumb vote. The moron vote. The ignorant vote. Instead they would say: screw 'em."
Obama On The Mount
..."Indeed, the majority of great reformers in American history were not only motivated by faith, but repeatedly used religious language to argue for their cause. So to say that men and women should not inject their "personal morality" into public policy debates is a practical absurdity. Our law is by definition a codification of morality, much of it grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition"
We're back !!!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
In Praise of the Cat
Monday, June 23, 2008
Poor People Turn Off Advertisers
"Poverty certainly is something you don't get a whole lot of information about, for the simple reason that poor people turn off advertisers."
"I knew one guy who was doing a story and it involved a murder in a small town in Georgia, and there were a lot of poor people involved who were characters in this story, and they were talking a lot on camera in his version of the story. When he took it to his editors they told him to re-cut the story, and take the poor people out and have him do stand ups instead so that he would be on camera more and the poor inarticulate people would be on camera less. This is something that goes on all the time in the media, and it's not because they have a political bias against the idea that there are lots of poor people in this country, it is just that it is a fact of economic life that when people see wealth on TV, they are inclined to buy more and when they see depressing images, they are inclined to buy less. That's why golf, for instance, is such a popular sport on television because it is a sport where you tend to see lots of upper class people in upper class settings in country clubs, and you'll notice that corresponding advertisements for golf are always luxury cars and luxury perfumes and colognes and those sorts of things. And you can't sell those things when you have a lot of people without teeth on TV, it's just a fact of life. That's why you have that, it's strictly an economic thing."...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Coast of the Auburn Mane
Peggy Noonan can hear the native tongues of home, and sing to us a glimpse of its "far-flinging Gods."
There's another kingdom out among the 3 visible, acknowledged worlds of America; beyond the East Coast of the famous families, the Left Coast of brazen and wanton tugging at the leash, and the venerated blessedness of the Heartland. Less visible, harder to reach, but more real by a long stroke, is that home within us where life flows as a song - pouring forth with words thrilled to be spoken, describing gloriful affirmation and protective confirmation.
It's another Coast altogether, and from it's edge - as with all coasts, the past and the future go both ways.
Friday, June 20, 2008
It's All In The Game
'(1) A crisis of confidence that causes Americans to reconsider their voting patterns; (2) new voters brought into the electorate that change the composition of the voting public; (3) a successful Presidency that confirms the gamble voters take in the first election breaking with past practice; and (4) successor Presidencies from the new coalition that continue and build upon the successes of the breakthrough President.'"
A tall order; very sobering. A lot has to happen, and a lot of that has to happen in sync with a whole lot of other things.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Instant Messenger
"Tom Brokaw calls this moment in the news media “the second big bang.” “We are creating a new universe, and it has all kinds of new laws and science and physics coming into play as well, in this information world,” he told me. “And you’ve got planets out there colliding with each other, new life forms taking shape; others have drifted too close to the sun, and they’ve burned up. And we don’t know how it’s all going to settle down. And it has, now and forevermore, a radiant effect.”"
The Messenger is dying; long live Instant Mercury...!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Whack a McMole
McCain replied: “No, but that's not too important."
"Some of the unreleased pages in McCain's Navy file may not reflect well upon his qualifications for the presidency. From day one in the Navy, McCain screwed-up again and again, only to be forgiven because his father and grandfather were four-star admirals. McCain's sense of entitlement to privileged treatment bears an eerie resemblance to George W. Bush's.
Despite graduating in the bottom 1 percent of his Annapolis class, McCain was offered the most sought-after Navy assignment -- to become an aircraft carrier pilot. According to military historian John Karaagac, "'the Airdales,' the air wing of the Navy, acted and still do, as if unrivaled atop the naval pyramid. They acted as if they owned, not only the Navy, but the entire swath of blue water on the earth's surface." The most accomplished midshipmen compete furiously for the few carrier pilot openings. After four abysmal academic years at Annapolis distinguished only by his misdeeds and malfeasance, no one with a record resembling McCain's would have been offered such a prized career path. The justification for this and subsequent plum assignments should be documented in McCain's naval file."
Enough is enough !!
Uh uh.
They cleaned John Kerry's files like a fish, so now "they" get a massive two-fisted Politconoscopy Examination in Gitmo.
That might be enough.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rural Whites Are Bitter - "They're mad!"
On the the white working class: "No other group has been so denigrated, attacked, and even feared by America's ever more interconnected ruling elites. Had I not gone to law school, I never would have fully comprehended ... the ingrained condescension of the nation's elites towards my culture."
They're crazy mother-fuckers to be sure and to be sure they are part of America - deep into it; America wouldn't smell the same or act the same without them.
"There is something wrong with this guy and let me tell you what it is – deceit."
..."This is a guy who makes such a big deal about his character. He has no character. He is a fake."
Ross Perot... "McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory. After he came home, Carol [first wife] walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history."
I don't want this prick anywhere near something of value.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The Guy in the Next Stall...
"The thing is, McConnell's maneuverings didn't really punish the Democrats. The person who ended up getting punished was the poor Senate clerk, who McConnell forced to read 'the entire 500 page global warming bill' out loud. McConnell's actions can thus be rightly considered to be 'a total dick move.'"
Hopefully, some stall-worthy character can help him make his dick stop moving - Larry Craig?
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Checking In With Chubby
Monday, June 02, 2008
A Blunderer of Historic Proportions
Yes, General, and you followed him. There is a whole universe of thought that tries to understand the moral dimension of your choice. No verdict yet, so you can continue to lead men into battle with some degree of impunity.
"During a videoconference with his national security team and generals, Sanchez writes, Bush launched into what he described as a 'confused' pep talk:
'Kick ass!' he quotes the president as saying. 'If somebody tries to stop the march to democracy, we will seek them out and kill them! We must be tougher than hell! This Vietnam stuff, this is not even close. It is a mind-set. We can't send that message. It's an excuse to prepare us for withdrawal.
There is a series of moments and this is one of them. Our will is being tested, but we are resolute. We have a better way. Stay strong! Stay the course! Kill them! Be confident! Prevail! We are going to wipe them out! We are not blinking!'
A White House spokesman had no comment."
Your president is a mad man! Say it out loud. It's OK.
Evidentally we can accept that horrible fact - just as we accept the reality of 80 year-old blue-haired matrons cruising down the freeway at 70 miles per hour.
Friday, May 30, 2008
From One Miserable Creature To Another
...When the money starts rolling in you should donate it to a worthy cause, something like, 'Biting The Hand That Fed Me.' Another thought is to weasel your way back into the White House if a Democrat is elected. That would provide a good set up for a second book deal in a few years...
...You’re a hot ticket now, but don’t you, deep down, feel like a total ingrate?
Bob Dole"
Thursday, May 29, 2008
What Kind Of Weave Is This Webb ?
You don't take a Scot-Irish brawler out for a drink, period, unless maybe first you take him out to the prairie and make him pound rails before first call.
But Webb may be a polished jewel of a human and we should probably keep our eyes pealed - he may be the real thing: the natural turn of the page.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Admiral's Son
This needs to get clearer, real quick - left alone, it will be a stink machine.
"Dr. JAMES LUCIER, former U.S. Senate Chief of Staff: But We do know that when he was there [in the Vietnamese prison], he cooperated with the communist news services in giving interviews there, ah, not flattering to the United States.
USRY: Information shows that he made over 32 tapes of propaganda for the Vietnamese government. Certainly, you do what you need to do to stay alive. Nobody would fault anybody for that. But there comes a point in time when enough is enough.
TERRIBLE ACTOR AND REPUBLICAN U.S. CONGRESSMAN ROBERT "B-1 BOB" DORNAN: They made those transcriptions, and in the transcriptions, I heard a POW who heard them comin’ into his cell and said, 'Oh, my God, is that Admiral McCain’s son? Is that the admiral’s son? Is that Johnny — telling us that our principal targets are schools, orphanages, hospitals, temples, churches?' That was Jane Fonda’s line. Where are those transcriptions? Believe me — they’re in the archives of the museum, the bragging military phony museum in Hanoi. McCain could not have wanted those [to] turn up in the middle of a presidential race."
"They call McCain 'Songbird,' and say he received special treatment. Some in the POW community even believe he was brainwashed like Raymond Shaw, the character played by Laurence Harvey in 'The Manchurian candidate,' who was used as a tool by the communists to destroy America from within..."
... ... ...
The reek of the leader's son anchor's many stories throughout history - including the vast Bush Soap Opera in which we have all lived as hapless extras.
I'm not in the least interested in going through the blasphemy of Admiral McCain's son.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Farcical Fred - Not Yet A Thetan
Every unscripted word that came out of his mouth was predictable, ordinary, and drenched in adolescent bile.
He should become a star on Hollywood Boulevard - and be stepped on often.
McCain - Master of the Hole
To value his contribution is to mistake popping corn for the sudden rush of ideas. Sure, it's fun to watch, but so is porn.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
I Wonder What My Father Knew
"That was a leap for me. I really wanted to do that book, about the education of a middle-class black man, about his ancestry, and I couldn't. And then my father died, and it was earthshaking for me. I remember saying to myself, I wonder what my father knew about these men? And I have to tell you, I felt access. I knew I could get there if I thought about him."
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
McCain - Welcome To The Charming Years
Thanks for keeping this alive. McCain lies as easily as he pisses and I'm glad you aren't letting him get away with it.
AND, special high-fives for cross-referencing that little rodent Mark Salter with the very startling presentation by student Jean Rohe at a New School commencement ceremony some time ago. His written reply to her remarks - and to the entire graduating class, was the height of small - and wrong as only the right can be, including his assholian zinger that "Very Unlikely Any Of You Will Ever Possess...One Small Fraction Of The Character Of John McCain".
It comes down to this for me: McCain's a mean little man that killed for country A. He killed for no decent reason. He killed against the teachings of his religion. He went to another land and killed people he didn't know. He killed people who were not trying to do anything but stop him from being in their country and killing them.
Nothing worth anything can come from this man.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Let's Do Something Subversive
"'I think the movie should be kind of offensive,' Cusack told Reuters about the film, which will be released in New York and Los Angeles theaters on May 23."
"John Cusack is outraged over the Iraq war, so the U.S. actor channeled his anger into a low-budget political satire -- complete with a chorus line of scantily clad female amputees -- that he hopes will offend."
Friday, April 25, 2008
Ben Stein is Way Out of Shelf-life.
Yet here he is again - one of the gargoyles of the Reagan years, promising to deliver a way out of our confusion, but merely delivering another new dizziness.
This time he's celebrating and selling an erosion of professionalism that usually signals a culture losing it's clarity of being.
What exactly are the standards when News Programs are staffed by upscale gypsies and carni workers selling glimpses of sideshow freaks - and how could it be otherwise when the ironclad goal is delivering audiences to advertisers - not information to audiences?
Staying rational is hard work. Expelling Ben Stein's ideas is easy as pi.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
A Banging, Rocking Washer
"The White House should not be a banging, rocking washer perpetually stuck on spin cycle."
"The men you always see under her are to a person passive-aggressive, sadistic, mean, little, petty beta-male pieces of work who would not naturally succeed in a common male-type hierarchy. By that I mean an environment that values straightforward achievement rather than the darker political arts." - Chris Richard, Agoura Hills, Calif.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
"You Cunt"
"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father," joked the future Republican Party's Presidential nominee
Sure, he's just a boy toy for Cindy, but as he says, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt."
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Here Come The Tarmac !
'Actually Mrs. Clinton was too modest. I was there and saw it all. When Mrs. Clinton got off the plane the tarmac came under mortar and machine gun fire. I was blown off my tank and exposed to enemy fire. Mrs. Clinton without regard to her own safety dragged me to safety, jumped on the tank and opened fire, killing 50 of the enemy.' Soon a suicide bomber appeared, but Mrs. Clinton stopped the guards from opening fire. 'She talked to the man in his own language and got him [to] surrender. She found that he had suffered terribly as a result of the policies of George Bush. She defused the bomb vest herself.' Then she turned to his wounds. 'She stopped my bleeding and saved my life. Chelsea donated the blood.'
Made me laugh. It was like the voice of the people answering back. This guy knows that what Mrs. Clinton said is sort of crazy. He seems to know her reputation for untruths. He seemed to be saying, 'I get it.'..."
"...That's what the Bosnia story was about. Her fictions about dodging bullets on the tarmac either confirmed what you already knew or revealed in an unforgettable way what you feared..."
Yes, and I don't relish a revelation this disconcerting.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bama Go Boom, God Damnit
Speaking about Reverend Wright on Olbermann's program:
"He's an African-American man, who, because of his life experience continues to have a lot of anger and frustration, and will express that in ways that are very different from me and my generation, partly because I benefited from the struggles of that early generation. And so, part of what we're seeing here is a transition from the past to the future. And I hope that our politics represents the future.
...and on CNN:
And part of what I think I see in Reverend Wright is somebody who grew up in the '60s, had very different life experiences than I had, has continued to harbor a lot of anger and frustration about discrimination that he may have experienced. And, so, his life experiences have been very different than mine. And part of what is going on within the African-American community is a transition, in which some of the rhetoric and statements and -- and frustrations of the past have given way to opportunities that I have experienced, and -- which is part of the reason why I speak in very different terms. And that's part of what our campaign has been about, is to surface some of these issues and to be able to move forward and get beyond them."
Obama will escape the mincemeat machine if he can make those words sing. But he is up against the negative, narcotic forces of the media, aligned against anyone or anything that might threaten it's control of the culture.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Losing It
"Reaction Formation is when an individual's behavior or actions are the exact opposite of what he feels at his core (or possibly unconscious) level. In Spitzer's case, it means that the corruption fighter in his core was -- or needed to be -- corrupt. The more corrupt he was, or felt he was, the more he had to fight corruption in others -- and fight it with a tenacity and ruthlessness that was fueled in fact, by his own failings. Classically, he even denounced and went after prostitution rings -- kind of like a priest railing against sin and then taking a boy to bed. The outward purity and rigidity is a defense mechanism that helps him to feel better about his inner needs.
Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior (as opposed to a full-fledged obsessive-compulsive disorder) is the attempt to control internal chaos or obsessive thoughts. In Spitzer's case, he might have been trying to control his apparent sexual needs -- and, maybe more importantly, his need to push the limits into dangerous territory. By focusing on control or perfectionism, the individual offsets or distracts from the unconscious danger. So, by behaving in a strict, ordered, manner (always wearing white shirts, for instance), the Governor appeared to be the opposite of what, internally, he really was."
Middle Aged Conservatives Should Be Exposed At Birth
He represents the quivering pile of conservative Americans who fear and hate. He speaks the words that catch in their throat and he leads them in their quest for respite. They never get it. He is a fake. He sells their weakness back to them. They are ill-served.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Dead Ahead
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Mother Tucker Will Never Die !
He's not going anywhere. To my utter dismay I find that a lot of women find him attractive - enough so that they would rather him not be cancelled. Well ladies, you get it both ways: boohoo and don't worry. He's gone only for a minute, retooling his hair and his trans-fat waistline, ready to pounce back into your living room with another round of butterball wisdom and dark vanity from the soul of an old tot. Translation: he gets a new show and tries yet again to disprove Victor Hugo's claim that, "one cannot resist an idea whose time has come."
As long as there are no great minds in the public view, rodents like this guy will continue to get face time with the American citizenry.
Such be the republic at the moment.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Obama Will Absorb McCain
This will mean that he must be uniquely great, and I am voting that he is..
Friday, February 22, 2008
John McCain's "Very Weird Behavior"
"Over the parapet; life, romance!" - Robert Service
"Bombs away !" - John McCain
McCain's from another era, when doing it for "Country A" was enough of a reason to kill.
NOW is Then, Left Out Too Long
Uh oh. Remember, this is the wacko portion of the history of an organization. The official title of her statement is: "Psychological Gang Bang of Hillary is Proof We Need a Woman President."
I respect her right to be a jerk, but remember, "history loves company."
A Thetan is a Thespian After Its Money is Removed
"...All matter, energy, space, and time exists solely because thetans agree that it exists." - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Well, of course that all makes perfect sense.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Obama Knows; Bush Blows
And Bush did act - just the way he said he wouldn't, but just the way that Obama recommended.
You know why?
Because Obama has his head screwed on correctly, and that's a big plus.
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Republican Ass Problem
It's heartening to know that even when we are off having a great time with our friends and family, Beck's ass is doing our work for us, making him conscious of his painful anus every stinking minute of his very low life.
Now that's what I call swell.
Ramses the Next
The merest chance for us to be a greater generation than we are; to be a surpassing nation, is just too alluring; just too gorgeous, for us not to embrace this incredible opportunity. With Obama there is a feeling in one's soul that there is indeed a chance for American excellence in this new century.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Tucker Carlson, Ethical Oaf
Bush's communications director Karen Hughes publicly disputed this claim. Asked by Salon about the response to his article on Bush, Carlson characterized it as "very, very hostile. The reaction was: You betrayed us. Well, I was never there as a partisan to begin with. Then I heard that (on the campaign bus, Bush communications director) Karen Hughes accused me of lying. And so I called Karen and asked her why she was saying this, and she had this almost Orwellian rap that she laid on me about how things she'd heard — that I watched her hear — she in fact had never heard, and she'd never heard Bush use profanity ever. It was insane. I've obviously been lied to a lot by campaign operatives, but the striking thing about the way she lied was she knew I knew she was lying, and she did it anyway. There is no word in English that captures that. It almost crosses over from bravado into mental illness." - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is surely my favorite anecdote involving Tucker Carlson, though it truly irks me to contribute to any effort to humanize this viper.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The Ass Delivers The Shit
Someday, when the money wall collapses and the truth oozes forth, Limbaugh will finally have the tomb he deserves.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Housing Meltdown
While a 25% decline is unprecedented in modern times, some economists are beginning to talk about it. 'We now see potential for another 25% to 30% downside over the next two years,' says David A. Rosenberg, North American economist for Merrill Lynch (MER), who until recently had expected a much smaller slide."
This sucks muddy rocks big time !
Friday, February 01, 2008
Coulter Finds New Map To Be All Over
Another tortured staccato burst from the Annster.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
"A President Like My Father"
..."As parents, we have a responsibility to help our children to believe in themselves and in their power to shape their future. Senator Obama is inspiring my children, my parents’ grandchildren, with that sense of possibility."
..."I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them. But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president — not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans."
I'm down with Caroline's every word. She is so right. As "The New York Observer" said, Obama is "transformative".
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ted Kennedy Invented the V-2 !!!!
Liberals are like Fascists because Fascists told people to do things and so do Liberals. The End."
This rodent's thinking process is a very messy and wholly unordinary procedure akin to masturbation. It's not really very dangerous - I mean, nobody dies, but nothing ever goes very well either. Of course there's no proof of this, except for his own words.
Chrisball - No Strikes, No Balls
A clammy, amazingly harsh and judgmental stab - a near psychiatric example of one individual's furious, unhealthy need to spew bile at Hillary Clinton.
Then, in the words of fictitious observers, "the phone rang; the money was mentioned, camera access was mentioned, and all the hallway doors slammed shut but for two: Fix-It and Unknown.
Bobbin' an weavin' like a squirming piglet angling for his spot at the teats, he acted quickly to remove anything in the way of his access to the money and the fame."
"On the particular point, if I'd said the only reason John McCain has come so far is that he got shot down over North Vietnam and captured by the enemy, I'd be brutally ignoring the courage and guts he showed in bearing up under his captivity. Saying that Senator Clinton got where she's got simply because her husband did what he did to her is just as callous, and I can see now that it comes across just as nasty. Worse yet, just as dismissive.
Finally, if anyone doesn't know this, I love politics. I love politicians. I like and respect people with the guts to put their name, their very being out there for public approval so that they can lead our country. And that goes for Hillary and Barack and John and all the rest who are willing to fight to take on the toughest job in the world."
Upton Sinclair offered more than a hunch, saying, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Anti-Chrisball Vote
"The reason she's a U.S. Senator, the reason she's a candidate for President, the reason she may be a front-runner, is her husband messed around. That's how she got to be Senator from New York. We keep forgetting it. She didn't win it on the merits..."
"They’re blaming Chris Matthews":
"PAT BUCHANAN: This is an astonishing development. Look, the pollsters were dead wrong. They were predicting 7-8 to a dozen points for Obama. The press was dead wrong. We had virtually canonized Obama and said he had been born in Bethlehem and now you’ve got a race where Hillary Clinton is running three or four points ahead of this fella. Something has happened. There is a hidden vote here somewhere, or my guess is this: The New Hampshire voters said, look, the press has been telling us Obama’s the second coming. We don’t think so. The press has been telling us she’s gone, and the women came out and said, no, she’s not. What New Hampshire did was stand up and body slam the national establishment, the press corp., the pollsters, the whole bunch that came in here as well as Barack Obama’s folks who must be in a state of shock tonight.
RACHEL MADDOW: Pat, I will tell you that on the influential -perhaps influential on the left — Web site, talking points memo today, do you want to know who they’re blaming for women voters breaking for Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama? Who they’re blaming for this late showing for Hillary Clinton? They’re blaming Chris Matthews. People are citing specifically Chris not only for his own views but also as a symbol for what the mainstream media…
MATTHEWS: What Web site?
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Donna Brazile Pissed at Bill
Monday, January 07, 2008
We lost the Silver, we lost the Gold
"...Kronman is not so much mounting a defense of the humanities as he is mounting an attack on everything else. Other spokespersons for the humanities argue for their utility by connecting them (in largely unconvincing ways) to the goals of science, technology and the building of careers. Kronman, however, identifies science, technology and careerism as impediments to living a life with meaning. The real enemies, he declares, are “the careerism that distracts from life as a whole” and “the blind acceptance of science and technology that disguise and deny our human condition.” These false idols, he says, block the way to understanding. We must turn to the humanities if we are to “meet the need for meaning in an age of vast but pointless powers,” for only the humanities can help us recover the urgency of “the question of what living is for.”
The late Pope John knew full well that reverence for - and the pursuit of, the arts and the humanities is part of our holy life. I loved that he knew that.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Jacking-off In A Rush
"We're going to find out where your kids go to school. We're going to find out who you knocked up in high school. We're going to find out what drugs you used. We're going to find out where you go to drink and do -- we're gonna find out how you paid for your house. We're going to do -- and we're going to do exact -- and we're going to say that, you know what? You are no different than Al Goldstein. You both masturbate."
There are very few things more instructive than watching a Faberge Balloon insult a dime-store hatpin.
What's interesting is not the ridiculousness of the confrontation. It's realizing yet one more time that not enough of us use the power we have to bring down a tyrant.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Ron Paul / Google / Yuk
Moore Information has not yet confirmed the sponsor of the poll, but the firm lists presidential candidate Ron Paul as one of its clients. Paul is the only presidential client listed on Moore's website."
Google this creep and learn of the kind of thinking he employs. Read the Ron Paul newsletters. Read the bills he sponsored in Congress. Stay away from this man.
Let's Take The Fork In The Road
"...But it wasn't those two weeks. Indeed, if we were to pinpoint one decisive moment, it would be Bill Clinton on Charlie Rose, arrogant and entitled, dismissive and fear-mongering."
Maybe, but for me it was definitely those 2 weeks. They were a kiss of death. I was completely amazed at how she did almost nothing to counter the negative aftermath of the Philadelphia debate. It was an absolute disaster for her to appear so defeated and unable to react - and it stayed like that for an incredibly long time, as if she were paralyzed.
Peggy Gets With Obama
Stunning, and nearly transcendently beautiful. It is hard to resist the longing she so clearly evokes.
But with Hillary, the view is more prosaic: "There's something about her that makes you look, watch, think, look again, weigh and say: No.
She started out way ahead, met everyone, and lost."
Thursday, January 03, 2008
"My Heart Is With the Big Cats"
'She was a fun-loving tiger who would greet you when you came,' Pettitt said. 'It's going to be weird that she's not here. I know today I won't see them, but my heart is with the big cats.'"
Booze, Cigarettes and Tons of Grass
I'm from the rock world of years ago and I have never had to take a drug test. I'd like to think I would pee on their shoes instead, but I've never had to face the choices - job or grass, because, well, I was raised right. Back in '69 we smoked dope at the job; all day. We turned out some of the best recordings ever made by humans, and we loved life a lot.
Over the years the idiots took over the country and the Security-Guard mentality seeped into family life and into the souls of otherwise great individuals.
Of course, I can't stand to talk to any of them because they're lying to themselves likkity-split, their kids are nervous wrecks, and all I see is that nothing good can ever come of resisting the breadth of life.
Go for the higher law and do what you know you must do, because if we don't live our life, nobody will.